Never Hoped for a Hurricane Before



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
But this time I'll make an exception. We could use a couple inches of rain in Western PA, big time.


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If Laura come north, I hope she swings about 100 miles to the east of where she is projected to come on the map. Things are getting pretty dire around here.
Dear greenghost,

Like you, I don't want anyone to have to deal with a hurricane, but I'd welcome several days of moderate to heavy rain should the system come our way.

Look at the USGS map on this page. Just about every stream in central PA from the MD line to the NY line is at or nearing record low flow for this time of year.

With a weeks worth of 90 degree temperatures forecast a good sustained dump of rain is sorely needed.


Tim Murphy :)
A drought buster via a post tropical system would be great, but even a 1" soaker would help significantly. For portions of west-central and north central pa, this appears to be the most significant drought/low flow period in at least 10-15 years, perhaps longer. Hopefully we get bailed out.
Ljr is especially bad. Took a water temp of 65 about 2 weeks ago above Spruce (2pm, didnt fish, golfing) though, so the c&r appears to be handling it pretty well. Above tyrone is a different story.
greenghost wrote:
But this time I'll make an exception. We could use a couple inches of rain in Western PA, big time.
I really hope that storm stays on that track! Almost two thirds of Pa needs rain badly, very badly.
Wish we could send some of our rain your way! Hit or miss thunderstorms have been mostly finding us; our Aug total is about 9" here in SE PA. The patterns have totally changed from the traditional ones and many of our storms are now drifting in from the NW which almost never used to happen. Best vibes for soaking rain out your way!
Check out the USGS Flow Map

It's really amzing how the streams in the eastern part of PA are bank full and the Central part is in a severe drought.

Hopefully it will balance out soon.
Just a wind event so far on the Gulf side. If you get rain, and I hope you do. It would be time to hunt down a big Brown . GG
Been a weird year. So far all the storms seem to be hitting us here in SEPA, all our creeks our flowing well above average. Last month we had a top 10 all time crest of the Schuylkill river.

Took a trip to central PA last weekend and its a completely different story, everything is as low as I have seen it. I too hope the storm remanants can dump buckets of rain on central and western PA!!!
I pray for a hurricane almost every year, LoL. Preliminary predictions I've seen here in Central PA and up through the Scranton area are for an inch to an inch and a half of rain spread out over a 72-hour period . That would be very useful if it comes down to the nice steady pace.

I'll take it! :)
I'm thinking in about 24 hours we are all going to be wishing that it was just PA thunderstorms, not the monster now expected to destroy the coast of Louisiana.
To all you idiots cheering for a hurricane: go soak your heads.

I've been through a dozen of them. I'd venture to say most of you jamokes haven't been through one.

To root for people to lose their homes, and maybe their lives so YOU can get an inch of rain in your narrow little world really rubs me the wrong way. Even if you excuse your selfishness as a joke. It's wrong.

Going without power for days in 90+ degree heat, being unable to communicate with family, standing in line for 4 hours for a bag of ice so your life saving medicine doesn't spoil, flooding, damage to roofs and houses from wind and water, trees down, roads blocked, and on and on and on.

THAT'S what you want to happen to your fellow human beings?

There is a perception of fly fisherman as snobs. Some of the foolish screeds I see on this board lead me to believe that a few are worse than snobs.

I just can't use that in the back below the belt description on a family friendly board.
Wishing for or wishing against a hurricane both have exactly the same effect: None
Nothing like a little soapboxing to bring everyone down.

I hope we get rain .
That may be true.

But would you be OK if I posted on off the water that I wanted more people in PA to die in car accidents?

Less drivers in PA would mean less gasoline burned so by nationwide supply and demand the price of gasoline in TX would go down.

And that's good for me, the heck with you...

I'm done with this. I've got a hurricane to concentrate upon and a family to keep safe...
Hi, I'm new to this forum and must have missed the post where everyone wished loss of property and loss of life on people in the gulf coast region.

Relax Uncle shorty. We're talking about the hurricane bringing rain up here where it's very dry. We're not oblivious to the fact that people are scrambling on the gulf coast trying to save life and property.

I initially came on here to say it appears that this thing is ramping up pretty good and I hope that everybody down south makes it through safely.
In 72 Agnes sure messed up our crop harvest. Much of the wheat sprouted in the field. We tried to harvest it by chaining three tractors together and dragging the combine through the wetter areas. What a goin on. The Corn mostly fell over because the soil was saturated. Couldn't fill silo for a herd of 120 Holsteins. We thought we had it bad. Then we heard of a farmer who lived on a sizable farm on the Sesquehanna that lost his farm. Two hundred acres skinned away 6' deep to bedrock. He lost everything. Not just crops but the land as well.
I like to watch how Nature handles itself and recovers. I really like to see the Delaware right now. You can walk for miles on dry river bottom. It'll be fine, before long, without wishing for too much.
I want to fish and sometimes find myself looking too yearningly through rose colored glasses and the creation just doesn't work like that. The Creator, on the other hand, has us in the palm of his hand.
OF course, we wish no harm to those on the coast, but the storm is a comin, and we in the drought areas could use some drops of moisture. It's not about the fishing anymore, it's about have water to drink, bath, etc. Wells are getting critical. Lots of folks here NEED a good soaking rain.
Stay safe down there!