Netting Stocked Trout and FFO Regulations



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
It occurred to me that the netting of trout should be permitted on all ATWs. The reason being that harvest of these planted trout is the goal, and netting (or even spearing, electrofishing, or snagging) would be the most efficient way to accomplish limiting out.

So is preserving a fishing technique such as fly fishing so wrong-headed that we should take the very limited set-asides and squelch them?

To me, there is a parallel between "netting permitted" and proposals to water-down special regulation waters. What do you think? Netting-permitted or not?
I'm gonna fish with rotenone, seems the most effective and efficient. Did it on the Green River in 1962.
I know I shouldn't rise to the bait but I will say NO.
Netting was an activity that was done to supply food not a sporting activity.
Fishing now is a recreational activity.
Kill em all.

Regarding the Tulpehocken DHALO section I think we should also be targeting the fish when they are in the thermal refuges because there are just too darn many to survive and the herons are not killing enough of them.
whheff wrote:
Fishing now is a recreational activity.

Pfft. If you ain't competing, you're losing.

Who has time for recreation when you can win?
gfen wrote:
whheff wrote:
Fishing now is a recreational activity.

Pfft. If you ain't competing, you're losing.

Who has time for recreation when you can win?

I am past the Alfa male stage of my life and I have the scars to prove it. I don't need to compete anymore. So every day is a win for me. Recreation or not. :)

I'm ok with anything that makes it easier to utilize these fish. That's what they're there for. When I shop my local supermarket's seafood section I simply point to the filet I want and the nice person behind the counter wraps it up in paper, weighs it and affixes a price sticker. Very easy process and it seems netting or other means rather than actually fishing might be similar. Been a long time since I tossed an M-80 into a creek but that's a pretty effective method too.

Is it possible to purchase electrofishing equipment for personal use? Maybe there is a DIY video on YouTube.
Hey! This could work on a lot of levels.
No regulations to enforce means we don't need the WCOs riding around in those fancy vehicles wasting money...Maybe the Fish Comm can rent out their electro fishing stuff and make money that way. All the savings can go toward more stocked fish.
If the fish are going to die why not.....Why not in the Susquehanna River too?
The Bass are not doing well, why not stock this river and have more liberal fishing regulations also.
You first have to define netting. Otherwise this is an obvious troll.

As to netting of bait fish, it is my belief that allowing netting fish for live bait, fish, on trout water or any water for that matter removes food from the food chain, therefore ought to be very limited or not allowed at all. Certainly those fish that are used for live bait should not be allowed to be released in our lakes and streams. many species of non native fish have cause untold harm to ecosystems in the Commonwealth.
Sheesh. . . is today Snarky Sunday? I musta missed the memo.

(Dang cabin fever)
