Neck/head buff



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Does anyone use a neck and/or head buff? I realize that UV protection is the big benefit of these items, but do they also work well for insect protection?

Just curious to hear any feedback on them...
I wear them when i'm going to spend long days in the sun, to protect my neck. And I also spray them down good with repellent when required - beats spraying the stuff on my face.
Haven't tried the buzz off treated ones though
I have one just so I can look like the cool guys on the Simms website. lol. Mine is not treated with any insect repellant so I can't speak to that. I used it more in colder weather since I found it to be rather warm around my neck when it starts to get hot out. I pretty much always have it with me as I am trying , finally, to be more aware of the potential hazards of sun exposure.

I decided to get one after a one day bonefish trip in the Bahamas. My guide, who was very dark skinned, wore one the entire time.
They are incredibly dorky, however they are pretty effective against bugs when you spray them with 100% Deet. Agree, it's better than putting the Deet directly on your skin. Black flies and mosquitoes can make it through the buff material but it does a pretty good job blocking them but highly suggest combining bug spray with them.
Good feedback. The bug spray on the skin doesn't seem to last long once sweating takes place.

I actually want to get one just so I can be cool like Becker, but didn't want to state that in the OP!
I use a buff in the cold and to protect against the sun. Bug spray on them helps with the skeeters. I've always had problems with my sun glasses fogging up when using the buff. Simms makes a buff like piece that has venting where your mouth is. I'm sure that helps with the fogging problem. I've not used one so I don't know for sure. For sun protection, I find a wide brim hat instead of a baseball cap and the buff is effective and more comfortable.
I have one for winter that has a fleece neck collar. It works great and protects me from the cold and wind. I also have a Simms one that was gifted to me by NickR. I wear it during the heat and never seem to notice it on. Only time I actually put it up is if the bugs are bad or if I am floating. Usually on a creek I am protected by some kind of shade, but on a boat you are getting direct sunlight and reflection off the water. The Simms one is outrageous in price and would I never purchase it. However, a $20 buff is not too bad.
Reese always wears a buff.
I wear buffs esp in hot weather. When its really hot dip it in the water and cools ya down quick. There's tons of uses for it.
JackM wrote:
Reese always wears a buff.

Where's the like button when you need it!

Not to spill any beans, but we may or may not have some new products coming out very soon being relevant to this thread.
Excellent! I just ordered one from, but will probably be buying more as one is never enough (of anything).
be sure to take it off before walking into the bank!
old style ==== Bandanna
bikerfish wrote:
be sure to take it off before walking into the bank!

Good point! The APB would read, "Man wearing brown trout around neck robs bank. Subject is armed with a fly rod and is presumed to be dangerous. Approach with caution."
I use a columbia one in high heat.

get it damp, not so much that it will drip, and it will help keep you cooler. wore it yesterday at Pocono car race, really does help...

one of these plus waders that breathe help in this years heat:
I have 3 Brown Trout buffs. I rotate them due to sweat and deet. I wear them year round. In the winter I could have 2 on at a time with a polar tech windproof cover over them. I also wear sun gloves and windproof winter gloves. Must have items for me. If I don't wear a Brown Trout Buff...I will not catch a brown trout...period!
use a permathin(?) spray on them and you have effectively made them Buzz Off. I have found this product very effective with a duration of aprrx a month despite sweating.
Just got my first buff this weekend. Simms Sunarmour in the blue camo pattern suckered me in so I got that and matching stripping gloves. Definitely not worth the money if it starts to fade after a season or two, but I'm a brand whore I guess...

Gotta say, I friggin love those gloves for musky fishing. After chucking a double 7/0 on my 10wt for 8 hours last weekend I needed some gloves. I hope they last though. Seem to be good quality though.

As for the buff, I love the way it looks, feels, and fits. When it's down I don't even notice it, and it defintiely kept the sun off me. It fits great when I put it up, and the breathing holes are nice. I don't like when my breathing is restricted and my buff warms up. But again, there's not much to it.....but it looks sweet as hell