NC PA Spawning?



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
A while ago I posted about if it was possible to stay the night n your car on state forest land. I was going to stay a night and fish the next day before I met up for a weekend at my buddies cabin. Well that trip fell through, but I kept that day scheduled off, and my Pops and I will be heading up to Hyner Run State Park for a few days this coming weekend (sept 27-29). We'll be fishing Clinton and potter counties. My question is, anyone see any spawners yet up there? I'd love to hit some fall brookies, but I don't want to fish over trout in full blow spawning mode. Just trying to plan out a little bit if I should focus mainly for brownies, or if brookies are still an option.
Thanks in advance.
I was in Potter/Tioga last weekend and fished two small streams (one Brookies, one Brook/Brown mix) and didn't see any spawning fish. Struggled with low flows, but no spawners yet as far as I could tell.
Last weekend I saw a few brookies getting started on a stream I fish that is about 1600' elevation. Browns in the same section were just starting to color up. And yeah, low flows are making it hardly worth the effort. I caught 2 fish in the same area I usually catch a dozen or two.
In NC PA most of the brook trout spawning occurs during the month of October, with the peak period being the 2nd and 3rd week.

But around Sept. 27-29 it's very likely you will see a few brookies spawning. The browns spawn later.
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
Yeah, I was wondering about the flows, too. Hoping that some of the water from this past weekend will still be in some of the larger creeks later this week. Was hoping to hit some of the tribs of Young Woman's, but that is looking mighty low from the USGS graph.
klingy wrote:
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
Yeah, I was wondering about the flows, too. Hoping that some of the water from this past weekend will still be in some of the larger creeks later this week. Was hoping to hit some of the tribs of Young Woman's, but that is looking mighty low from the USGS graph.

Yes, YWC looks low.

It looks like the northern part of the region got more rain than the southern part, so if you want better stream flows, go further north than YWC.

klingy - I had intentions to fish a YWC headwaters watershed when I was up there a couple weeks ago...Went and scouted it, but didn't fish it. Flows may not have been excessively low for this time of year, but then again this time of year is generally the lowest average flows, especially on small freestoners...they just don't hold their water for more than 24-36 hours after a rain event. There wasn't enough water in it to make it enjoyable for fishing so we went and fished Pine instead. I made a mental note though, because with Spring time flows and 4 or 5x the water in it, it looked like it would be pretty good.