Names of the runs & holes on Penns.

8. Clay Bank. Has a pocket waterish upper part....
My biggest Penns Creek brown came from the pocket waterish upper part.

That spot produced one of my top group too. Really, I have 8 from Penns that are all about tied for the honor, all right around 18" give or take an inch, but one is cheating. :)

1 from there on a stonefly nymph.

1 from "Poe Paddy Hole", the slow water between the mouth of Swift and PP campground. BWO dry fly right against the bank.

2 from what you are calling Rainbow Riffle. Both on MB nymphs.

1 from the broadwaters. Rusty spinner.

1 from "old bridge hole" - sulpher dry.

1 from right under the trestle below Coburn - black sculpin

The cheating one: Also from the "old bridge hole", the deep riff at the head. Live Minnow and spinning rod. ;)

I've lost a few big ones too, probably in the same class. One at Winters Hole, one at the Big Bend hole, one between Old Bridge hole and the parking area (that one was on a GD), and another in Rainbow Riffle.

I don't believe I've ever encountered a single fish at 20+ on Penns, even just seeing them, seeing someone else catch em, etc.. I'm sure they're there, but the 18 inchers seem relatively common while it seems uncommon to get above that.
Biggest seen caught on Penns was just below Rainbow Riff. It was just a bit more than 21" on a Hendrickson; my cousin. I helped him land it because he forgot his net that day.

Biggest I've caught on Penns was in upper broadwater. It was my first and only to hit the 20" mark on a Sulfur Emerger; one of the best fishing days of my life.
Strange that Spring Creek, while the average is far smaller, seems to produce more true trophies. My best on spring was 24", and I have 3 above 20". I helped a buddy land one that measured at 26", which remains the largest wild trout I've personally witnessed in PA.
So if I park in the Weikert lot at the end of Cherry Run Rd. and walk the path about a half mile to that house (does it have a name?), am I near the famous Rainbow Riffle and Claybank area?

I'm sure I've spent tons of times fishing these holes and riffles but didn't know they had names. I just stop at places that look fishy.
Yeah. The cabin is called "R.B. Winter's Cabin". Some call it the "Fish Commission Cabin" as that's who owns it now. And it's on the tailout of a pool, and that's the pool referred to as "R.B. Winter's Pool" here.

Clay Bank is 2 full pools up from there, about a half mile further along the trail.

Rainbow Riffle, well, we're not quite sure which riffle that actually is. It may be the riffle below Clay Bank, but it may not be too.

I am interested in learning more about your Avatar image...!?!

A. Is that you?

B. If that is not you, please provide GPS coordinates of where you encounter such specimen...I would like to try to catch one of those.

C. If this is a fish "bud", can I fish with you too?
The braids below the Broadwater are known as Briar Patch. A friend and I rode out a tremendous thunderstorm there, with the help of a flask of Yukon Jack. Splits are at the base of Aumiller Flats. Visit Bruce Fisher at Penns Creek Angler for more pool names and descriptions.