My own private Ghille - time for a net



Active member
May 28, 2010
A week ago I fished with a friend at the "Tully" in Berks county, and I had a helluva time hand releasing fish. Yes, after decades of fishing I do know how to properly handle and release fish (turn them upside down, etc.). But my hands have gotten so bad, that Ed had to release the larger fish for me.

So I guess it is time for a net. I have one that is not "fish friendly" due to the composition of the net fabric. Looking for suggestions for a fish friendly net that suits my budget (I'm on a fixed income). God, even typing this post killed my hands.
Maybe you live in Berks County. Several years ago I bought a nice wooden frame net with a shallow catch and release bag at the ****'s store at Broadcasting Square. Don't recall the brand but it was pretty cheap. Still hanging in my garage but I replaced it with a Brodin net with a ghost bag a few years ago. If you're on a budget don't look to Brodin nets. Suggest you check out ****'s fishing section.
Wetfly makes a decent net with a rubber "ghost" bag. Can find them on The Clymb and Sierra Trading for pretty cheap.

I got this Cabelas rubber net. Works well for my needs and isn't too expensive.
Nice find, get while it remains at discount.
Look at Brodin Net and buy a replacement Ghost Bag from them and tie it on yourself. I did this and my old dumb fingers were able to do it and I now have a new net to use. That is if your net frame is still good.

I purchased the Cableas one for $20. Definitely worth the money.
camdogrs wrote:
Wetfly makes a decent net with a rubber "ghost" bag. Can find them on The Clymb and Sierra Trading for pretty cheap.

I recently purchased one of these Wetfly ones off the Clymb and love it. Cannot beat the price