My new super fly



Dec 20, 2011
short time back i was sitting at my desk tying. My daughters little dog nellie sitting at my feet. I reached down to scratch her head, and it occured to me..hmmm bet your soft wiry hair would make a nice soft hackle. Just the right mix of grey's browns and blacks..So snipped off a clump dubbed on some hares ear, ribbed it with copper wire, spun on some nellie fur for hackle..and eureka! new super fly. So the other day i was fishing on my favorite delayed harvest..figured what the heck, tied one on in a size! couldn't of had a better day fishing..they took it with reckless abandon.
So now i'm thinking of marketing my new super fly. I think i'll call them "Nellie flies"...the only real drawback, is that now i spend much of my time chasing the dog around with my tying scissors.......hmmmmm...ya know come to think of it, my wife has lovely long brown hair....hmmmm...Robin flies mabye?...
little baby couzin flies yes?
If you wait till she's asleep you can lift her hair up at the back of the neck and snip at will,she'll never know it.
That reminds me of a story about a guy who tied a fly with the fur from is wife's.... Oh wait this isn't OT forum!
I havent tied this fly in a while but before our trip to Yellowstone in 2008 My wife was cutting my hair out on the deck and I saved a bag of it to try to tie a nymph with. I called it Freds hair and ears nymph due to the fact she did clip my ear with the scissors in the process. I mixed it sparingly with some rabbit underfur I had and I vowed to use it till I caught a fish in the park. The first full day there on the little fire hole I caught a nice sized trout (actually the biggest of that day) and then everyone wanted one tied for them. I would say I have a never ending supply of materials but the hair is thinning and growing less fast in the last few years so I am bagging some at each clipping now just in case. If I have to buy rogain to keep the materials coming it will be a very expensive fly.

All i know is if my wife wakes up while i'm cutting her'll be me running, and her chasing with me with my tying scissors...although she's quite attractive.....She's downright scary when she's mad :)
you could always use the excuse that the dog looks hot and shave her and magically you'll have hackle for life... dont try that with your wife though it could be detrimental to your relationship..
You better hope the dog lives a long time.
flipnfly wrote:
you could always use the excuse that the dog looks hot and shave her and magically you'll have hackle for life... dont try that with your wife though it could be detrimental to your relationship..
And your health,sounds like your better off going with the above. Although the next time she gets a hair done... ;-)