My first steelhead trip

is an event going on this weekend with paflyfish?
Yeah, steelhead jam this coming weekend, meeting at Folly's. See the events thread.

AkDan, crowds are only like that at the absolute worst places. Here's some pics from Saturday elsewhere in the Erie watershed. This is a weekend day at around midday in late October with good weather and good water conditions as it fell from a major blowout with a good fresh run of fish. i.e. for this location about as crowded as it gets.

That's not to say crowds aren't a problem, even in places like this. There's less fish than in those crowded places down by the mouths. And the stream has lots of shallow ankle deep fishless water, and only a few pools that hold any numbers of fish. There are guys in each of those pools.

You are left with 3 choices, really.

1. Get there real early like and beat everyone to the prime spots.
2. Step in on the periphery of one of those pools and wait for guys to leave, slowly but surely moving towards the more prime spots.
3. Walk the tailouts, little pockets, watch ledges real close, and look for the occasional fish that everyone else walked past.

Realistically we did a little of all 3 last weekend and were met with moderate success. But there is room to breathe and you don't got guys on your elbows all day long.


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My nylon leader has already been replaced since I can no longer straighten my leader. I've been moving my indicator frequently which leaves a crimp on the leader. Will the flouro leader do the same or lose it's memory?
I was listening to an Orvis podcast concerning steelhead fishing. The question came up about the knot for the swivel to tippet connection and the guest replied saying he uses a Duncan loop instead of the improved cinch knot. Tom Rosenbauer mentioned Orvis doing a study on knots and said the original cinch knot is stronger than the improved. Can anyone shed some light on this?
kbkpitt wrote:
I was listening to an Orvis podcast concerning steelhead fishing. The question came up about the knot for the swivel to tippet connection and the guest replied saying he uses a Duncan loop instead of the improved cinch knot. Tom Rosenbauer mentioned Orvis doing a study on knots and said the original cinch knot is stronger than the improved. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Yes, the regular clinch is stronger then the improved clinch.
Eric Stroup did a video cast with Lefty Kreh, and lefty has his own knot tester, the clinch is stronger. That's the only video I can think of off hand to reference, but I know there are many others that verify as well.
Try the trilene knot to your tippet ring or micro swivel and use the clinch knot to tie in the fly.
If you break, it will happen at the fly as the trilene knot at 100% breaking strength is stronger than the clinch knot.
Fish in Elk are spread out top to bottom, pools and pockets. The smaller fish are moving up a lot faster than the larger fish.
If we get significant rain on Thursday, especially with the flat lake, I'd expect decent fishing on Saturday in the boro park, legion area to fresh silver fish.
The last two rain events didn't bring up the amount of fish we are used to seeing in mid/late October. We're still catching fish every day, It's just that when the water was absolutely prime after these recent rains, it's been kind of a let down as far as numbers go.
Along with the trilene knot I believe the Palomar knot retains 100% strength. I use the palomar knot first when possible since it is simple. But the clinch knot is better for tying on files because it is tough to get the loop on the palomar knot around a fly with out catching some of the hackle, fur or something. For swivels or tippet ring I would try the palomar or trilene knot. The important part is tie whichever you feel the most comfortable with.
Pc, just iterating i am spoiled living here. Though nothing is close and most access isnt easy.

Salmon on the other hand, take reds on the russian river.... Can be a nuthouse. But thats a meat market, more than a sport game. Still fun but there is no finesse there. Which stinks, its plugged with rainbows. Big big bows!!!

We get bummed seeing someone ahead of us trout fishing usually. Drive 4 hours to the middle of no where. Hike half a section wonder where the fish are only to come onto someone. You turn around hike back out and either drive home.... Or an hour or two to another river in the area. The drives worth it! Big dumb rainbows eager to eat! Haha

After the past few years visiting and enjoying pa waters, looking forward to the life change, and walking away from my dreams here for something greater. Ive had the chance to realize and be thankful i am here, and not moving. And the seclusion that comes with it.

I know first hand theres fish in pa. Chasing steelies was high on the to do list once i was wheels down.

Theres a quote i refer to regularly....

Many men fish all their lives, without realizing it's not the fish they're after....
