My first Scuds and Sow



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
So, all the talk on here about scuds and sow bugs got me interested in tying them. I decided to do a little experimentation. Criticize away.


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I think they look good. Very well tied flies. They will definitely work.

I also agree with what Dave W said on the front page about making thinner bodied scuds.

I would tie some a little sparse and try both styles.


(fishidiot's scud from the blog)
Legs are thicker/heavier than typical esp 1 & 2. Not to say they would not work. What is the back material on #1?
The material on 1 and 3 are pearl braidback, I picked up 3 diff. colors for a buck at the somerset show. tried it out on the scuds.
Nice job Shane. You're ready for some winter trout fishin.
Thanks guys. I might take a scissors to the ones I tied already and thin out the legs.
I wouldnt bother I dont think it will make a big deal. Once they get wet the legs will bunch up and it wont look as bushy. IMO I dont think you really need the legs, they might look pretty to you and me and other fly tyers but I dont think the fish care. I tie my scuds withouts legs, tails, and scud back. Some would say "well thats not really a scud" and I guess they'd be right but the fish still eat them!
Nice job, Shane. Maybe we can get together next weekend for another tying session - Olives and midges. Lemme know if this works for you...
When ever you want to come up and teach me a thing or two, your always welcome. Give me a call and let me know.
Alpabuck wrote:
I wouldnt bother I dont think it will make a big deal. Once they get wet the legs will bunch up and it wont look as bushy. IMO I dont think you really need the legs, they might look pretty to you and me and other fly tyers but I dont think the fish care. I tie my scuds withouts legs, tails, and scud back. Some would say "well thats not really a scud" and I guess they'd be right but the fish still eat them!

Agree, the whole point is to give the imitation of life, and the only way to do that is with lively materials that'll move in water.

Most of the junk we chuck in the water doesn't look like jack, but fish eat it because it moves, and the only things that move in water are alive, and thus food.
What size and type hooks are those?
Wsender...I can't tell you because my son spilled all of my hooks last week so they are all messed up. More than likely they are 12, 14 and a 16 in size and probably Mustad scud/egg hooks. Then again they could be Tiemco egg/scud hooks lol. Sorry not much of a help.
I vote Mustad based on the bronzey colour.


Worth $6 for the Griffin version.


Not worth $20 for the Whiting version.

Find one at some mail order places or the next consumer orgy affair you attend.
Yea, Ha had that at out last tying session and told me I need to get one.
or this for 5.95


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Sandfly, in with the old school. 1961!

I found a Herters' fly tying instruction pamphlet from 1941 in a bookstore the other day, its pretty awesome.

Speaking of the oldschool, I've got a Lee Wulff book on flies, and he mentions as "flexible tube." You've seen stuff for years now, is he talking about something equivilent to the flexible airline tubing you see in tube kits now, or something different? Give me Elder Knowledge!
Gfen, need to know more what he was talking about, if I remember right Lee used tubing from model airplanes a few times.

Wsender I received around 50 of them, getting low though.
LRSABecker wrote:
Yea, Ha had that at out last tying session and told me I need to get one.

It was kinda weird that it was more useful to check your hook sizes, than hackle size. As I recall, every time I told you to pick out a hackle feather, you picked out the exact size needed. You didn't miss once! Those gauges aren't an absolute necessity - you can just hold a feather barb up to the hook gap (if you know what size hook you have). :lol:

Friday OK? Maybe we'll get lucky and match the timing with your wife baking Christmas cookies - that girl is one AWESOME baker! :)
Ha, that will add a few eatin cookies. tsk-tsk I know the feelin, di is bakin and makin candy for the holiday, going to the catskills for a week and a half will need a new pair of waders when i get home.....mine will have shrunk for some