my first mouse fly


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
western jersey
so im curious as to what you guys and gals think of this mouse pattern. be as harsh as you wish. i can take it. i would rather have someone tell me its terrible,so i can improve on it. but if you like it, then thats good too!

this was my first go at a mouse pattern. the tail is a zonker strip. then i kept stacking deer hair. afterwords, i trimmed the body into a shape of a mouse. and i trimmed the bottom flat to keep the fly floating right. then glued on eyes, that will probably fall off after a few casts lol.

thoughts? i would think this swimming across the water at night with a slow strip would surface something. maybe a largemouth bass at night in a pond, or a brown trout hunting at night.
I go night fishing every one to two weeks, mostly for trout, like 3 times a week in summer. its a lot of fun the strikes can be crushing. Have done a-lot of night fishing for bass, especially when I was younger. The mouse looks great. Looks like a 2/0 hook. You will be fine with hunting big bass at night with that. However mousing for trout at night your hookup ratio will go up if you downsize to a size 4-6 mouse big ones still hit it. Size 2 if you are trophy hunting and ok with hooking less12-14” fish consistently in my experience. Another aspect of mousing for trout is you get more hookups when your mouse is making a surface disturbance but is still sub surface mostly subsurface. honestly a size 4 or 2 muddler can be deadly. I tie something a little different for my go to trout mouse its foam fettuccine spun like dear hair cut to a dahlberg diver or muddler head. If you are in that nice smooth tail out it fishes like a mouse. But faster choppier water where mousing does not work so good at night but trout definitely hold, the head causes it to dive in faster water and the really rough foam fettuccine head pushes water in a lot of directions underwater and creates alot of commotion.

One if these is spun dear hair the other is foam fettuccine, i actually prefer the latter now. Easier to tie and think the toughness creates some more commotion in riffly water where you typically need something that pushes water more so.
I think that looks very good Kyle.

P.S: beautiful dog for your profile pic.
Drew chicone has a tuscany bunny video i will dig up but cheapest easiest foam heads you can ever make for muddlers, mice, sliders, sculpins ect. If you get craft store foam and put in paper cutter then just chop to desired length you can get a years supply for like 10 bucks lol