MY first few ties!


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Leech and eggs. I think they turnt out pretty good.
I've been at it a few years, and I couldn't do any better. Why did you give this up in the first place?

Half a bottle of jameson, and I can't tie a damn thing right now... but you got me thinking that I really wanna go tie a few right now. damn.
Very well done! You should see some of my first ties. I keep them around to remind me. Now my barely adequate ties look like masterpieces.
thanks for the compliments and yes glow bug yarn
Yeah, they look good to me. A word of caution. Don't go directly from tying buggers on big hooks to midges and tricos on tiny almost invisible hooks. The direct movement from large to microscopic could lead to eyeball bleeding. I did it once and thought it was a free ride from something I took back in the early seventies. 😎
haha, well heres my first midge type pattern. Wasnt really following any recipies, didnt get my hooks in yet, so im just tieing stuff with dead flies and the materials i have thus far, rest are in the mail. I know i messed up on the body proportions but meh.
The start of my first prince, i know it looks pretty crappy towards the head of the hook. Realized i didn't have my white biots in yet and Hen hackle. So i tried just puffing some dubbing up front but it came out crappy so i ripped it off.
Freestyle a little.

I catch fish on prince nymphs all the time and I've never bought a white biot. Tie in a little tag of white poly or something along those lines and you've got a "go2prince" as shown in an issue of fly fisherman a few months ago.

For the hackle, use a webby rooster feather that isn't suitable for anything else, or perhaps some partridge. Or just tie in a throat of rooster and be done with it.

There are tons of variations, and my guess is that the trout can't tell.
mute wrote:
The start of my first prince, i know it looks pretty crappy towards the head of the hook. Realized i didn't have my white biots in yet and Hen hackle. So i tried just puffing some dubbing up front but it came out crappy so i ripped it off.

Not far off. Once you get your hen hackle and white biots your about there. Is that weighted? Funny thing is I saved my first bad flys for my brother. He just started fly fishing and put many of my good flies into the nearest tree. So I started saving my "crappy" flies for him. But he started catching fish left and right on those flies. I realized the fish are often less discriminate than we are.