My First Carp



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I went to the Perkiomen today with one purpose and that was to catch a Carp. As soon as I got there there was Carp mudding all over the place. So I tied on a blueish gray Clouser Crawfish I chose that color because the last time I was there I seen a couple of crawfish there with that color. Well after about five minutes into it BAM I seen my line move and I set the hook it took off like a torpedo .... When I was reeling it in it felt like I was trying to reel in a log. :lol: Well anyway I wieghted it on my boga grip type thing and it was 11 lbs..So here are the pics
Congrats on a nice fish, especially for a first! My first carp wasn't nearly that big, but they sure do get you hooked with that first run. When going to try for #2.

That looks like fun. I may have to try that some time...
That carp cost me $0.10 because Fred was so excited he sent me a text message on my cell phone. Congratulations!
That's awesome. While either trout fishing or smallie fishing I sometimes make a feeble attempt to catch a carp when i see them, but no luck so far witht he flyrod. Early July on the Susq I saw some huge carp that probably would have busted me off if i hooked them.

About 10 year ago i was at Tuscarora State Park (3 miles from where I live) with a couple guys and we had spinning rods, propped on a stick, using worms etc, just sitting there. All of a sudden my rod went flying in the water, luckily my brother-in-law grabbed it and handed it to me.

About 10 minutes later I pulled in a 33 inch carp. Amazing.

Maybe I'll get lucky tomorrow morning on the upper Susq and catch one (along with some smallies).


Nice Pictures... How long did it took you to reel it in?
It's funny. There are some days at the tully where I've gotta frantically pull the fly out of their way because they are charging it... Then there are other days when the trout aren't biting that I can't pay a carp to hit.

I'm thinkin about taking my 5 weight out there next time and targeting them.
Nice job with the carp, Fredrick. But I want to ask you about the smallmouth pictures. Where on the Perkiomen did you catch them? Where is the dam that's in the background of your pictures?
I'm convinced.

On my way to the perk this weekend.
Very nice! My first carp - well, I never saw him. He took a nymph on the Tully on an 8 Ft 4 Wt with no backing! I got his head up and he didn't like the looks of me and took off like a missle downstream. I had to break him off. He wasn't worth the Rio Grand! LOL!
JayL When you going, maybe ill join you? I just came back from the park. Didnt get anything really. Couple sunnies and one bass. Fished it a couple weeks ago and got a decent like 10incher . I went there today hoping to get somthing like frederick was nailing. Those huge 18 inchers. Fished right at the dam for them threw brown crawfish, wooly buggers, few other streamers and got nothing. Didnt see any carp either. But frederick is right, right at the dam there are tons of crawfish with blue backs.
Know exactly where you caught that there often, and hooked one about that size last year on a olive crystal bugger. Congrats!
DAM!!!!!!!If I knew you guys could look at my other pics on my photo bucket account I would have never posted that slideshow .Well thanks for your support anyway and I hope you guys practice catch and release so I will be able to catch him again sometime ... :lol:
of course frederick, always do, always will. I was hoping you were doing the same with those bad boys.
Always have and will forever!!!!! I am now a self proclaimed Carpaholic and will be taking myself to the Tully next week to catch a even bigger one :-D
ahh lucky you! could you show me direct links to the flies you are successful with there?
Don't worry, I always practice C&R. Glad you weighed that guy, now I know about how big mine was! That was a nice smallie you had there too. Haven't done that great with them there this year, may have to hit you up for some tips! Perhaps we will meet on the stream sometime.
Ah, Mute. Just saw this now. I never made it out there this weekend, but we can check it out sometime later.

Did you end up going?
Mute ,A black Zuddler minnow all it is ,is a conehead muddler with a long piece of rabit strip on the end

may have to hit you up for some tips! Perhaps we will meet on the stream sometime.

I am always looking for a new fishing partner :-D
jayL naw i never ended up going. Went out todasy after the little rain but meh was just a waste of time water was way too off.