My favorite trout eating bug video

Awesome video. Thanks for sharing that.
I have seen that before and I like it too. Amazing seeing them taking them out of the air like that. I can't say I have seen trout in PA taking things flying above the water but maybe.
How do you tie a fly like that stay's above the water!!!!
nice, there was a time when i could get a dry fly to sort of hover for just a second or two. Drove high mtn cutties crazy.
Guess the guys had some damselfly patterns?
Would have been very aggravating if they didn't.

I first saw trout taking damselflies on the firehole river many years ago. And didn't have any. I certainly made it a point to tie some up when I returned home from that trip
So good I watched it twice, thanks for sharing.
So cool!
I've been watching a lot of take videos recently but this is amazing, thanks!
Really cool video - some mighty fine camera work.

Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen trout here in PA take airborne damsels. As everyone who fishes for river SMBs knows, however, bass routinely jump and take damsels. Many of these bass come much higher up out of the water than the trout seen in this video, most of which are just high head and tail rises.

You can see such acrobatics on just about any river in PA on a summer day.