My best Fly Fishing Smallie!!



Mar 28, 2009
Well today ended up being a decent day for me fly fishing a small creek by my house. I ended up catching my two best fly rod smallies. This stream holds some decent 15-18inch smallmouth that I have caught with my spinning gear, but I have never seemed to have any luck with smallies on the fly until tonight.

I was fishing s streamer pattern I tied with no luck, but I kept throwing it because it was my goal to catch a smallmouth on something that I tied. While I was out on the river it started to rain for a bit and I noticed a decrease in water temp, and the fish becoming more active on the surface after the rain passed. I tied on a popper and with my first three cast pulled in these two guys.



They put up such an awesome fight and aerial display. it reminded me why I love fishing for these guys so much. I moved up the stream and seemed to run into and endless supply of rock bass and sunfish, but still have fun pulling them in.


I ended the trip catching one more smallmouth. This is probably the smallest that I have ever pulled in, but it was great to see how healthy it was. I must have seen tons of these little guys swimming around the whole afternoon, but he was the only one willing to take a go at the popper.


The place I usually gives up the biggest fish has for some reason started growing moss all over the top and around the banks and seems to not be holding many smallmouth anymore, but largemouth. These fish were not there in the numbers that they are in now a few years ago. was a fun night for me and you can check out a quick little video of the smallmouth release here...
Smallmouth Release
Wait till you hook into a 3+ pound bronze back, it will change your fly fishing life! Congrates on your first Bronze back on the fly!
Wait till you hook into a 3+ pound bronze back, it will change your fly fishing life! Congrates on your first Bronze back on the fly!

I wish.....this stream has some bigger fish, but over the past few years I have not caught or heard of anyone catching any.....might have to find a new smallie stream. I only go to this one because of how close it is to my house....and I just wade, I do not have access to any type of water craft to go on the bigger rivers.
I love fishing for Smallmouth. Nice pics.
Dear bassman,

Where are you from in Bucks County?

There are plenty of places on the Delaware River where you can fish without a boat. You can start at the Yardley access and work upstream from there. Washington's Crossing is the next place heading up stream, just park in the park and walk down over the bank.

There also used to be a parking area just north of where Rte 263 crosses into New Jersey. It was a couple hundred yards north of the ice cream stand along River Road.

My favorite place used to be around the wingdam at Bull's Island State Park. In the old days you used to be able to park right above the walking bridge in Lumberville on the PA side and walk up to the dam after you crossed the canal and walked down to the river. I don't know if you can still park there anymore though.

Worse case you can get to the dam from the Jersey side at Bull's Island State Park.

Hope this helps.


Tim Murphy :)
I live in the Langhorne area of Bucks County. Yardley is not that far from me at all....I will have to check it out. I was always under the impression that I would need some sort of water craft to effectively fish the Delaware in that area.
....I plan on hitting up the portions of the Delaware mentioned above Thursday night.....will keep you guys updated on how I do