My bad



Active member
Jun 9, 2016
I have a unique skill in that all I have to do to ensure terrible weather is to think about going fishing. I foolishly committed to plans to fish tomorrow. Hence, the torrential downpour and flooding that you may be experiencing now. This one's on me...
I must be part of the problem too. This seemingly has been the pattern for me over the past number of weekends...

I don’t even want to know how many times this Fall I watched stream gauges fall from Sunday evening to near perfect, or to pretty decent flows, only to then watch them blow out from a storm that rolls in on Friday. It seems like the pattern is good for people who can fish on Thursdays...
I have been weathered out of 3 trips this fall
I'm taking a half day off on Monday and hoped to fish. Sincere apologies for Monday's rain.
I'm hitting it Monday too, we are screwed.
It's El Nino's fault. Wait a day,it will clear when your back at work. GG
So you're the one keeping me off any stream over 10 feet wild all year? At least I know now...
I went today anyway. Bank full and no takers chucking streamers. But I still enjoyed it.