My 2009 Wild Tiger Trout



Active member
Jun 19, 2010
Now that it is easier to post photos I thought I would show you the wild tiger I caught in 2009. Most wild tigers are small but this fellow was 14 inches. Came from a central Pa. limestoner. This is the trout that convinced me to use WildTigerTrout as my user name on here. I caught it
P7060267 2
twice in 2008 and once in 2009.
Sorry posted this the wrong section. I don't know how to move it to the General forum.
The bigger they get, the more skeptical I become of their being wild. But, I believe that's the biggest wild tiger trout I've seen yet. Beautiful fish right there.
My sentiments are the same as wildtrout2 above. Beautiful fish.
Here is the other Wild tiger I caught in 2009 and 2010. If you look carefully and study the markings you can tell it is the same trout. It was 9 inches in 2009 and 11 inches in 2010. I have not caught a wild tiger since! I keep trying though! It was caught in the same stream as the other.
I’m just happy to have caught a stocked one. I caught it within 60-70 yards where a trib, known to produce wild tiger trout, empties into a larger stream. Mine looks a lot like your first photo in post #6. So maybe there is a small chance mine is wild.
Prospector, if it looked like the first photo in post #6 I would bet it was wild. Where I caught them they have not stocked in several decades. How big was it?