Must Watch Game Steelers/Browns



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Too hot to fish the river, rain coming (thank goodness). Hope Tomlin has a good game, plays Batch if Ben screws up
Tomlin has already done everything he can. He cannot have a bad day. If the Steelers have a bad day because they are not prepared that would be bad for Tomlin. I don't think that is the case, though.

If Ben screws up, Batch will not come in. Unless you are prepared to start Batch the rest of the season (and that would be stupid) you don't replace your starting QB just because he's not playing well. The only time you will see Batch come in is if Ben is injured.

With that said, I hope they get up big in the first quarter because I have to coach 11 and 12 year olds at 2:30. Our biggest problem will be trying to get 46 kids their required 4 plays in a game with 8 minute quarters.
Must win for the Steelers we CAN NOT start the season by losing to the Browns, I am not a Brady Quinn fan, but he looked impressive the times he was in, I think maybe his head is back on straight and he could be great. Good luck with the kids.
I will draw no conclusions on the outcome of today's game because the Cleveland Browns are a joke.
Chris Collisnworth said the same thing...he was pondering on what the Steelers season might be like and he said that he would have to wait until the Steelers played a real team. Costas (though he never put on a uniform and therefore has no right to criticize anyone) said the Browns started with their 3rd best QB and worked their way backwards...Quinn by week 3.