Musky on the Skuke

Funny that people’s first reaction is to claim it’s photoshopped
Awesome! Hopefully the musky survived! he had it gilled and out of the water for a good amount of time judging from the video. Sick catch though nonetheless!

Good to see there are some big musky in that area of the skuke. Maybe this is the call for me to start throwing my musky flies in the area since I live so close...
Do not hold Muskies, pike, or pickerel vertically.
mouth of perk has some big ones. fished smallies there for years, had a lot of follows from good size ski's.
Very nice fish.

This is a purebred and I believe well downstream of where purebreds are stocked(?). Not surprising that there are some big fish moving up and down the watershed.
Dave_W wrote:
Very nice fish.

This is a purebred and I believe well downstream of where purebreds are stocked(?). Not surprising that there are some big fish moving up and down the watershed.

Dave- this might be one that our local musky club, MI50, stocked a few years ago. We typically stock pures.
fly_flinger wrote:
Dave- this might be one that our local musky club, MI50, stocked a few years ago. We typically stock pures.

Kudos to the local chapter of Muskies Inc. This organization deserves a lot of credit for stocking efforts around the state and eastern PA in particular. I'm glad to see they're sticking mainly with purebreds. I was not aware that they had stocked the Skuke.

Good stuff.
I didnt realize anyone stocked muskies in the skuke. Fished there for smallies frequently from about 2000-2010 with a buddy who had a boat. He hooked up with a few big fish that he didnt land that he assumed were muskies but never could confirm. Cool stuff

How long have you been stocking and how frequently do you stock?
timmyt wrote:
I didnt realize anyone stocked muskies in the skuke.

The PFBC stocks them in different sections, both tigers and purebreds. You can see this if you check the PFBC website and click on warmwater stocking - previous years.

They are currently rethinking how often to put muskies in bodies of water and I think we may start seeing more rivers and lakes getting them every other year rather than annually. Mike would know about how this should unfold on the Skuke and perhaps he'll chime in.

The MI clubs supplement PFBC stockings, usually with purebreds. I don't believe that they stock any PA waters that are not already stocked by the agency, but I'm not sure on this.
Dave_W wrote:
timmyt wrote:
I didnt realize anyone stocked muskies in the skuke.

The MI clubs supplement PFBC stockings, usually with purebreds. I don't believe that they stock any PA waters that are not already stocked by the agency, but I'm not sure on this.

Dave is correct, we can only stock waters that are already stocked by the state. We get "fingerlings" in the fall that are anywhere from 12"-18" long, usually from a Minnesota or Wisconsin hatchery. We typically stock lakes more so than rivers but have been putting them in the local rivers for several years. I'm fairly new(2 years) to the local chapter so I'm not sure how long they've been stocking which bodies of water.