Musky Jam interest



Active member
Sep 26, 2012
The thought was brought up last year or so. Date, time, location all to be determined after discussion. After several PM's to various members, here we are.

What are Esox members thoughts? I'm in, would like to try and make this happen. Norm
If it's somewhat close to Centre County, and I don't have to work, I'm in.
I'd love a muskie jam.

Some points to consider:
~ If you think you'd like to announce a jam, just do it. Looking to drum up interest and see if somebody else will take the lead. . .just results in long threads and often no final decision (because it is impossible to find a time and place that suits everyone). Also, check the Events forum to ensure that there are not other jams already scheduled in that part of the state for that day.

~Most of the PAFF jams and fishing trips are in center or the eastern half of the state. Personally, I think the western part could do a jam and a muskie jam would be an obvious choice.

~Most PAFFers don't have boats and are wade fishermen. For this reason, a river with wadeable areas (think upper Allegheny or the Juniata) would probably be best. A float can be coordinated for those with boats or partners, but wading guys can still find places to fish too.

~Keep in mind that not everyone attending can be there for the entire day(s) so a common start and end point will allow for folks to meet and get to at least check in at the beginning or the end of the day's fishing.

Again, pick a time and place and announce the event (use the Events forum please) - if folks can attend, they will.
I'd love the idea. Like fishidiot said, select a location and time... if you build it, they will come.
DKile suggested starting the thread here. I have some musky experience, but there are members that have way more than I do.

Looking for input regarding the best time of the year, location, and such. I'm in Western Pa. but will travel.
The Northwest part of the state has the most options like Fishidiot said. There are smaller streams, bigger streams big lakes, lots of little lakes so people could have their pick whether they have a boat or wade.
Depends on the date, but I'm definitely interested.
I'm very interested. Northwest, upper allegheny would be perfect I'm about 45 minutes from the kinzua outflow
If it was in the western half I'd be down for that. Noob when it comes to musky though
NW part of the state would be cool this summer...I need a reason to go visit some kinfolk near Tionesta so that's be great for me.
This is great idea jam, many places have canoe rentals option.The season is on. This can be a great summer gathering.
Always thought a Musky jam would be awesome. To bad i live in South Florida now. Maybe i'll have some extra vacation time to use up.