Correction, I am from Eastern Pennsylvania therefore eliminating me from the hilljack category
brianb wrote:
Correction, I am from Eastern Pennsylvania therefore eliminating me from the hilljack category

The people and things I've seen in the Poconos will give anyone else in any other part of this state, and anywhere else, a serious run for its money.

jdaddy wrote:
brianb wrote:
Correction, I am from Eastern Pennsylvania therefore eliminating me from the hilljack category

Dip + Busch = Hilljack

Ladies and gentleman I give you a Duke mathematician.
Well now that we got the socioeconomic study of fly fishers understood. I would like to say that the musky country dvd is a very well put together film. But for you tech. head guys that want to get info on the sport patterns and how to this movie isn't for you. It's about 2 guys and there dog penny chasing muskies. My only grip is that they beeped the swearing.
These are definitely your new age think they know it all college hippies I seen this trailer at the fly fishing film tour the sporting gentleman hosted two weeks ago
It's about 2 guys and there dog penny chasing muskies. My only grip is that they beeped the swearing.

So, its trout bum diaries with more teeth and a new range of equipment to sell?

Rad. Who sponsered it?

On that note, who sponsered trout bum diaries?
This was selected for the fly fish film tour, which the tour is sponsered by patagonia. But it was put out by the 3rd year flyfisher studio. And directed by Robert Thompson.

And at the end of the video you didnt see brought to you by sims, orvis or any other procucts. they pitched no product or mentioned any.
they pitched no product or mentioned any.

Call me jaded, but I find it hard to believe there's not one lingering shot of a Sage rod* in the golden hour of sunset, where the logo is just a bit too prominent to be a natural happenstance. The long, slow fade over the shoulder of our zero, or hero depending on point-in-time of our film, as he gives a steely-eyed smirk to the camera, the trademarked jacquard of Fishpond bold against the Deepwater Blue (tm) fabric. Cut to the late night, campfire tying session, ole Blue, the musky dog, laying there, soulful eyes looking up, flickering in the fire's light, around his muzzle lay several half-empty packages of Metz saddles, the slow panning shot follows ole Blue's gaze up to his master, the camera slowly, lazily, traces the clean lines of the Renzetti vise to the massive conglomeration of feathers and flash locked in its jaws, our hero's hand now in slow motion executing a whip finish, with the firelight reflected in the deep, lustreous handle of a Wasatch branded whip finisher.

...Skybay, I need a cinematographer. Afish, get Orvis on the line, I'm gonna need some not-actual-sponsership. Jdaddy, you're our plucky hero, Redsun your sidekick and Larissa takes the role of Ole Blue. Filming commences this summer.

CHUB BUM JOURNALS: Trash to Smash.

* - Mutable. Pick a vendor, pick an object.
Nope no plugs of any kind thats whats kinda nice about the film. None in the credits either. It's not a product plug movie like the patagonina trout bum. Brougth to you by loop, korker, and god knows who else.

Well, if you can finagle us some sweet deals to fish for chubs in Montana, there might be room for you in the CHUB BUM DIARIES 2: Chubby Chasers.
I think the fly fishing thing with the hippy trend/new age could be a good thing and a bad thing. We were all brought up different, not in front of a tv 24/7. For our entertainment we had to get outside and fish and hunt or we would have been crazy. Hell I remember mom not letting me in the house till it was dark.

In the other perspective, any way to try and get some of the kids and newbies to the sport to become interested is a good thing. I coach high school level sports and every year the same comment comes up similar to, "kids just don't care anymore about the sports, and they play with no heart". Now lets fit this to fishing here. How many kids now day hunt and fish??? They have so much to do now days between electronics and what not that the things we consider fun to us isn't to them. Is that our fault? We make up a society that they see. Isn't it our job as much as possible to make it interesting to them if they show even the littlest of interest in the sport?

As far as like Orvis changing their colors from the original green and what not.....this is going to happen regardless. Companies all over are trying to find an edge to stay in competition with other companies is close nitch markets even outside fly fishing. Times are just changing or have changed, not much we are going to do about it.
I like being outside the box. if your thing is size 22 disco midges or hucken meat, its all flyfishing. I could give a rats *ss about brand colors. Its not a gang.