Muskellunge - Natural Repro in the Susquehanna Watershed?



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Muskies are native to the Ohio River watershed in western PA and natural reproduction occurs in many of the streams in rivers in western PA, although to what degree natural repro contributes to the overall fishery is a unclear. In central and eastern PA, however, muskies are an introduced species and the fishery is supported with fingerling stockings. Nevertheless, there have long been rumors among local folks of "wild" muskie fingerlings or other visual evidence of spawning. I've heard on various occasions from ole time Juniata regulars that they believe muskies are spawning. Although I'm often skeptical of ole time local fishing lore, I'd guess that the stories of muskie spawning in the Juniata probably have an element of truth. Wild fingerlings pop up from time to time in PFBC electrosurveys across eastern PA as well. In recent years, wild populations of muskies have established themselves in the West Branch of the Susky and have really taken off in the upper Potomac River.

In an effort to get a better fix on the issue of wild muskies in the Susky drainage (wild fingerlings were first identified in the North Branch as early as 1986) the PFBC, as a part of their new muskie management plan, did a fingerling survey of the North Branch and, sure enough, wild muskies were present.

What to conclude from this, and how it may affect the muskie program, is unclear. Personally, I doubt there will be any transition to wild fish management in the North Branch/main stem Susky any time soon, we'll still need state hatchery fingerlings for our local rivers. However, the presence of small numbers of wild fish may become a component of future muskie management along with, say, increased stocking of yearling fish.
Whatever the case, muskie fishing has a bright future across PA and the presence of wild fish in the middle and eastern part of the state, although perhaps limited, is part of the good news regarding PA muskies.

Muskies in the North Branch
I've spent a lotta time chasing these fish. My honest opinion that I've seen "fingerlings" miles away from stocked waters. Mater of fact a good chunk of the musky water I fish isn't stocked. Places like the Allgheny & the Susquehanna aren't a big surprise that there's wild repoduction. Nature finds away if there's right water conditions and a large enuff populations yeah it's gonna happen. I watch tigers in the spring go through the motions. Wild Muskies are not that too far outta the realm for me.
Should make for some good stocked/wild threads.
I lived along the Susky, and catching yearling or juvenile musky in the NB of the Susky was a fairly common occurrence all the way back to the 60's and 70's. There were anglers that claimed some of the musky caught were wild bred, but now there is proof that this occurs, at least on occasion. Here is a great article about musky from the PFBC site:

