Music Advice

Tough choice. I'd say either 80s joel or anything by pitbull.
I am with Salvelinus on this question of music appropriate to trout fishing. "The Trout" by Schubert would be a good choice.

I am as fond of Rock n Roll as the next guy, but there is a long-standing aesthetic to fly fishing for trout which is being lost in the modern social ethos of gonzo, confrontational, head-banging everything.

Izaak Walton gave us the first and last words on this issue in 1653 when he summed up his discourse on fishing by recommending that we "Study to be quiet," a line he borrowed from 1 Thessalonians.

Maybe just record the flowing sound of the stream near some riffles and use that as a background sound.

I agree with some of the others that music on videos can often be distracting.

But a more central point might be: Who is your intended audience?

Who wants to watch a video of people stocking trout?

Is there an eager audience for that sort of thing?

Issues of trout stocking ethics aside, float stocking by high school kids might be a good way to get the younger people interested in trout fishing. I think most people are stimulated by hands-on activities. I would watch such a video.
I really appreciate all the input and song suggestions. I think with the way the edit went ill put some instrumental musical or bluegrass without words to put the emphasis on the event itself.
Good choice! If you need suggestions for bluegrass instrumental albums send me a PM.
If you reconsider and want to give a listen to Franz Schubert's masterwork: