Muddy Run



Apr 26, 2009
Today me and my father-in-law were catching minnows for smallmouth bass yes I still am a bait fisherman at times until I can get enough bass flies that produce numbers. Well anywho we were at a place called the muddy run it is a small creek or stream that runs through the heart of huntingdon around the Juniata College and when we went there there were these pipes coming out of the ground dumping rust into this small creek. Is this legal my father-in-law told me it was from some sort of steam opertaing system the college operates. isnt this illegal to be dumping the rust from these steam apparatus's into this small stream grant it the ionly thing it holds is your average minnow and creek chub.
Not sure what you saw, but most places get permits for a certain amount of effluent that they can release legally. But, all cases are worth looking into.
Well it was a rust color like you see on cars and it was geting dumped into this small stream.
Call a WCO, dep, or someone, and tell them what you saw, maybe it will help, maybe not, who knows.
Probably a drain from a steam heating system. Most likely used old iron pipes and thats where the rust comes from.