

Active member
Apr 23, 2013
What are the chances of this not being packed tomorrow evening?
I'll be in the area and would like to get a few casts after I'm done.
I'm not familiar with that area but I hit a local DHALO briefly today and, although it was a weekday, the weather was gorgeous and there were many folks out and about. No fishermen to be seen.
Might not be a lot of people, but I can tell you first hand that less than 100 fish were stocked Thursday. I carried 2 buckets down to the creek that had 10 fish in each, and by the time I made it back to the stocking truck, they said that was it. Only 8 buckets total and each had as many fish as mine. Very disappointing.

Don't know was was going through that WCO's head but they loaded up the campground pond with the fish that were supposed to go in Mud Run.
I hate to ask this, but does the WCO have the authority to decide something like that on the spot? Seems to me that if the DHALO was slated for a certain allotment of fish, then that's what should have been stocked. It certainly doesn't sound like the WCO's decision was based on science i.e stocking over wild fish. Not sure if you said anything, but that is pretty shitty. Those 100 fish will get poached quickly. Honestly, I don't know what to make of Mud Run and how it is managed these days. I fished it a lot in my younger years. Beautiful stream that stays cool enough in the summer to support wild fish and holdovers. A plus is river run spawning fish in the Fall. Really wish the PFBC would just leave it alone and remove it from the stocking list like they did previously as I thought it fished much better. Have to stop putting angler usage ahead of what is best for the fishery.
I have been helping stock Mud Run for the past 9 years. It always got 1 compartment of fish from the truck, 300 or so. The campground pond would typically get 12 buckets of fish, this year, almost 30.

This is not the first time I have seen this WCO make a questionable decision during a stocking. I am going to contact the PAFBC.

Agreed about removing it from the stocking list. Would no doubt cut down on poachers.
steliejim wrote:
I have been helping stock Mud Run for the past 9 years. It always got 1 compartment of fish from the truck, 300 or so. The campground pond would typically get 12 buckets of fish, this year, almost 30.

This is not the first time I have seen this WCO make a questionable decision during a stocking. I am going to contact the PAFBC.

Agreed about removing it from the stocking list. Would no doubt cut down on poachers.

When you contact the PFBC are you going to ask that it be removed from the stocking list?

Or are you going to ask that more trout be stocked in the future than this year?

These are two opposing positions.

If you complain about not enough trout being stocked, AND recommend that stocking be ended, you would be sending a mixed, contradictory message.

You should pick one position, hopefully the position that stocking be ended, since it is a wild trout stream.

Since we agree that stocking should be ended, the reduction in stocking that the PFBC has been doing is a good thing.

Stocking less trout is moving in the right direction.
I am going to ask if it can be removed from the stocking list, along with Hickory Run Creek. Let the wilds thrive in Mud Run, and in the case of Hickory Run Creek, where it is stocked below the lake, there is simply no habitat to speak of. Much better down below Camp Daddy Allen.
steliejim wrote:
I am going to ask if it can be removed from the stocking list, along with Hickory Run Creek. Let the wilds thrive in Mud Run, and in the case of Hickory Run Creek, where it is stocked below the lake, there is simply no habitat to speak of. Much better down below Camp Daddy Allen.

Mud Run has plenty of wild trout as well as Hickory Run. Back in the 90's, Mud Run was taken off the stocking list. The amount of anglers fishing the stream decreased drastically and it was put back on the stocking list.

As far as stocking, perhaps the stocking truck was running behind schedule.

Another possibility is the WCO was practicing "stream justice" and decided to understock the stream and dump most of them in the lake for the campers to enjoy.

Stocking such a small amount of fish may yield the result you were after in the first place. Not saying it's the right way to go about things, but it does happen.