Movies or shows with great looking water



Jun 12, 2010
I'm watching this World War II movie, Defiance, and I keep getting sidetracked by how great the rivers look.
A River runs through it- okay,cheating--lol
What about the movie/novel "Deliverance?"

I think that I am somewhat of an expert on the south since I have a combined 19 years worth of experience having lived in New Iberia, Louisiana and Greensboro, North Carolina.

I lived in Greensboro a lot longer than I did in New Iberia. I was a traveling salesman with a big territory(North and South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia).

The movie, "Deliverance" was filmed on the Chatooga(sp?) River. I know right where it is. Headwaters in NC and it borders NE Georgia/NW South Carolina.

As many of you might know. I am a canoe tripper. I would rather go on a canoe trip than a fly fishing trip.

I have recruited fellow board member, mkerr, for my next canoe adventure. This canoe trip will be on Virginia's Appomattox River. Both of us have no experience there, but that is about to change.

I am doing my research now and will know when we need to be on that river when the striped bass are moving upstream to spawn out of Lake Chesdin.

mkerr is going to have a great time on a canoe trip with me. This is all private property so we may not be allowed to camp, but I am sure we can make day trips happen.

I read the novel "Deliverance" when I was home for Christmas break during my Freshman year at Juniata College. Our family had just moved from Cumberland County(Camp Hill) to Bucks County(Newtown).

I didn't know anybody there so I started to read "Deliverance" to fall asleep. The novel was so intense that I couldn't put it down until I finished it in the wee hours of the morning. The movie was nowhere near as good as the novel.

The water in the movie looked really good to me.
The river in the movie"Deliverance" is the Tahullaha river in North Georgia. I've kayaked it about a dozen times. It's big water for sure, not the best trout water though. It's where the whitewater events were held during the 95 Olympics in Atlanta. The big nasty rapid at the end is called Oceania, the one were Burt Reynolds got all beat up. I was smarter, I portaged that one every time.
I'm no expert of anything southern, just a damn Yankee that occasionally visits to paddle in the bathwater warm whitewater
Thanks for the correction. I always that that it was the Chatooga r
How about he River Wild. A trip through the Grand Canyon is way up there on my list, but a canoe trip down the Appomattox this year should be a good one.
I was flipping through channels the other day and old MacGyver was on. They were congratulating him on saving a wild trout stream in Montana I believe. I got a kick out of that!
Not a movie but, it's always had me wondering what for water it is and what it looks like today. In the opening scenes of the TV western "The Big Valley" there is footage of a stretch of water that looks very fishy. I'm sure it looks nothing like it does in the show nowadays.
FiveWeight wrote:
Not a movie but, it's always had me wondering what for water it is and what it looks like today. In the opening scenes of the TV western "The Big Valley" there is footage of a stretch of water that looks very fishy. I'm sure it looks nothing like it does in the show nowadays.

pete41 wrote:
A River runs through it- okay,cheating--lol

Not cheating in my book. Its what got me hooked on fly fishing. Watched it in a senior rec class back in HS. Same class I learned how to fly fish, cast net, tie flies (horribly), make weights, and hold a fish fry! (oh the joy of growing up in the south)

As for a movie with some beautiful waters...."Salmon Fishing in Yamen" had some nice scenes.
I found this very entertaining video of a young guy catching a big trout in an unnamed PA limestone stream.

afishinado wrote:
I found this very entertaining video of a young guy catching a big trout in an unnamed PA limestone stream.

That was a huge fish, and definitely gave him a run for his money! At one point, near the weir, he looked like he was kicking something. That was kinda odd.