Mouse pattern for steelhead & browns on Erie tribs.....



Active member
Jan 7, 2010
I was at my tying bench for the past 2 days whipin up some hex's, buggers, and a lot of eggs ( and gettin board). So I was think about how I could put a new twist in my fishing up in Erie this yr. And seeing mouse takes on the trout bum dvd. It got me wondering if steel and browns would take a mouse on top? I read a article sometime ago about some guy using em on "Oak" or maybe it was the Pulaski. I cant remeber and I cant find the article so what do you guys think? I got a couple of em spun up ready to go...
Can't say I've seen a steel take a mouse, but boy would it be exciting. Certainly worth a try.
I figured that the best tiime would be early in the season when the water is warmer and when ever the bucks start sparing for reds in the spring. They get ultra agressive and territorial around that time.
I'm sure they'd take one, but I doubt as regularly as they'd eat a subsurface streamer. If they were willing to take something that looked like a rodent, any old deer hair fly that made some surface disturbance would be just as effective, IMO
I wasnt thinkin numbers just something different and a new tatic to toy with. In Ohio they skate caddis immotations in the surface film for steel it's about the same thing. It would be awsome to see a steelhead or a big brown chase down a mouse pattern n take a swipe at it. I don't think I could keep it togther in that situation.
I'd say it would be worth it to try a mouse pattern. You just never know what they'll take.

I was up there a few years ago in the fall with my buddy Mark. And we were in a pool that was just loaded with fish.
Towards evening, the fish started to get real frisky - swimming around and porpoising everywhere. And we couldn't buy a strike.
Out of frustration, Mark finally put a crowe beetle on. He was still too new to flyfishing to know that steelies likely wouldn't take a terrestial. And wouldn't you know, he caught a couple on it.
So, I switched to a beetle - and caught one on it also
I got 2 mouse patterns tyed up. The first I tyied up was a deer hair ( the traditional pattern ). It looks ok not much like a reel mouse.

Then I found a mouse that they fish for browns at night on the manistee . It's a articulated mouse with the front hook cut. Just for castin purposes, I would love to keep the front hook but it fouls to much.


It might bee a little big for erie but i bet the bass pike, and other toothy critters I'll love it.
If I saw #2 coming at me, I'd drop my rod and run... but I'd definately use it on big browns. Nicely done
I remember reading a while ago about big browns in new zealand b eing taken on mice. Also I hear western steel strains like big wakers and skater flies so why not try it tbat pattgern they used down under I thin k was a morrish mouse. Let us know how it works.....