Mountain Lions!!!!



Sep 9, 2006
Skin that one pilgrim!
Shortridge first saw the creature as he carried a cooler and his lunch from a vehicle to the 6-by-8 foot wooden blind.

Sorry, but thats the point where I go home...wooden blind? I guess he never heard of the three little pigs.
Wow. I would have been scared shiftless. I wonder if the actual lion looked like the picture that was posted with the story?
I was fishing at a lake in Ohio one day and heard lions roaring across the water from me!!! I later found out that there was an animal sanctuary not far from me.
I can see the guy now telling the authorities that he seen a Africa Lion in the
The other day Sasquach, now an african lion? I may need a serious upgrade to the carry hardware. The .357 is just going to **** em off.
Tab-Jo, you forgot the Bobcat and the various bears!

However, after watching a Nat-Geo show, the other night on the new "Ligers", (Tiger/Lion cross breeding), I don't think I'd like to run across one of those, having a "bad day"!? 13' tall, on their hind legs and weighing in at over 500 pounds..............with teeth and claws to match.
flybinder wrote:
Tab-Jo, you forgot the Bobcat and the various bears!

However, after watching a Nat-Geo show, the other night on the new "Ligers", (Tiger/Lion cross breeding), I don't think I'd like to run across one of those, having a "bad day"!? 13' tall, on their hind legs and weighing in at over 500 pounds..............with teeth and claws to match.

I saw that show, too! Those things are monstrous! Man, Napoleon was right those cats do have skills.

hey don't know if you guys ever saw this article or not but this bear would destroy that lion and a liger at the same time!!! no joke!!
I'd take that bet...Tale of the tape:

Ligers are typically between 10 to 12 feet in length, and can be between 800 and 1,000 pounds or more. And an african Lion would add about another 6-8 ft of 500lb plus big cat to the fight. The bear was only 10'6" and a little over 1000 lbs...just about the same size as the liger alone...I'd go 2-1 odds in that cage match.
"The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds. It stood 12′ 6″ high at the shoulder, 14′ to the top of his head. It’s the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world."

It's alot closer than that, Tom.

I'd still take the cats. They have the ability to pounce. I will say that the african lion probably would get severely hurt.

Any biologists/CG animators wanna take a shot at this one?

Next round: Taimen vs King salmon?
Yeah, I thought you might say on....
Ligers and Tigons and Bears, oh my!
Crap. I had to be the one to fall in to your little trap...

I shoulda known to check snopes. I'm usually the skeptic who links to that place.

Sigh. You win Tom. :)
Damn. If I would've read the entire article, I would've known to check snopes. All that talk about human remains and whatnot sounded like a bunch of crap for sure.
I hate when a good story goes bad...tigers and lions aside...I know two things... wouldn't want that thing within 10yards of me...and its pointless to carry a handgun in bear country...I'm not a gun guy so I'm sure there is one out there that might take one down but you better be really friggin' accurate.
Unfortunately it is way to easy to get your hands on a big cat. You can purchase a Lion cub for about 400.00 – 500.00. I know a big cat breeder. He breeds Lions , Tigers and Mountain Lions. He also has a Liger. The ligers have a genetic deficiency that basically allows them to never stop growing. It is kinda sad. The Lion issue is another story. You would be shocked at the number of big cats that people keep as pets. Lions are not listed as an endangered species so it is basically a free for all on the things. Laws vary by state They estimate that there are more Tigers in private homes than are in the wild. It is a sad situation.. PA requires a permit to keep a big cat. It is a whopping 50 bucks !

I have some pics of my wife and I playing with some tigers. I try and post them later.
thats the last time i lbelieve random stories on the internet, oh well. i was impressed for awhile

anyone else used to watch those shows on either tlc or discovery channel pitting a lion v. tiger or alligator v. shark, etc.? they were pretty neat, the graphics they used could have been alot better though.
Don't get me wrong...a 10 1/2 foot, 1000lb bear is still impressive. But I didn't realize just how big those Ligers are either.

I worked in TV news for 15 years. When I had kids everything changed. Question everything you read on the internet and see on the news. Not that it is completely wrong, just not how it always seems. Had producers telling my reporters to make more from stories than was there. There is no "it is what it is". Whatever it is must be made more of. That is what sells commercials and its all that matters anymore. Sad but true.
Check this out !!!!!

Wild Cat Caught On Tape In Western Pa.
Neighbors Concerned For Safety

POSTED: 10:01 am EST November 8, 2007
UPDATED: 11:34 am EST November 8, 2007

ARMSTRONG COUNTY, Pa. -- A local couple shot home video of what they think is a mountain lion.

Mindy Shearer said, “He come out of the corner of woods here. Actually laid on back and was rolling around and scratching and stuff.”

But the game warden can't say for sure what it is. The animal was spotted in South Buffalo Township in Armstrong County last month.

Mindy said, “I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was kind of awe-inspiring. I wasn’t afraid. People said, ‘Weren't you afraid?’ No -- it was a mountain lion!”

The eastern cougar is on the endangered species list. Over the last two months there have been at least a dozen sightings in southwestern Armstrong County. The Shearers are sure they saw one not far from their home.

“There was no question in my mind. It wasn't moving like a dog, wasn't moving like a deer. It was a cat -- a big cat,” Mindy said.
Bill Shearer added, “I would venture to say 180 pounds. It was big real big.”

They managed to catch a few seconds of video and showed Channel 11 the tape. The picture is shaky but startling.

Channel 11 talked to the wildlife officer who also saw the tape. He said it looks like a mountain lion but he can't be sure. Another neighbor said he saw what looked like a mountain lion while in a tree stand in nearby woods on the first day of archery season.

With plenty of wildlife to keep the beast close to houses, neighbors are concerned for their children's safety.

Mindy said, “When it's happening you're not afraid but when you stop and think about it and you think basically these things are killers. So, that's my fear; its' going to grab a kid.”

Bill said, “In California, those hikers and bikers being stalked and attacked and killed … if this thing is still around, it’s an issue. “

Officials said if it is a cougar, it's likely an illegal pet that got away. But they need more pictures and more evidence before taking action.