Mountain Creek, Cumberland County



Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
Just wondering if you can still fish the stretch of Mountain Creek that would be south of Mt. Holly but north (downstream) of the Hempt Brothers stretch that was posted. I used to park along 34 and walk up the old tracks to the no trespassing signs and then fish back downstream towards Holly. I think this was State forest land. Thought I might head over that way Saturday. Been at least ten years since I fished there.
It's been 10 years for me also but i fished from deer lodge up through there alot never had a problem , there is a rails to trails hiking trail there now so........r u sure it's only been 10 years?
Yeah, that stretch is open and runs thru land managed by The Nature Conservancy. It was float stocked from the wooden bridge & gate at the quarry entrance down thru to the Deer Lodge back in early March. Was by there last wknd, typical number of cars you'd expect on opening day.
Thanks Tomi - might check it out this weekend and see if they left any in the stream.
you should do ok down thru there...number I heard was 800 fish stocked in that stretch, and I didn't see too many full stringers late morning/lunch time on Saturday, I don't think the bite's really turned on yet with this chill in the air...
Like i said it's been 10 years for me too , but i always liked that stretch and always had luck there. GOOD LUCK!!!
Ok 800 fish and one of me that sounds good

I know some of the areas, can somebody steer me in the right direction of where to park on route 34, would it be past the twirly top towards adams county side?
Head south on 34 out of Mt. Holly past the Ahlstrom (sp.) plant. You'll see pull offs on the right. The stream is easily accessed in that stretch. When I was there a couple of weeknds ago I saw very few fish except for one hole that contained the motherload. I would expect the stream is even lower as we haven't had significant rain for awhile now.
I would take the dirt road that is at the end of Deer Lodge parking lot and park where the hiking trail begins and fish upstream.
I fished from the parking lot with wooden fence down the dirt from the deer lodge
Started around 3 and fished till about 530. Water was 61 degrees, fished up stream with a San Juan worm nothing at all, where are the fish?
Perhaps a different fly would have helped. There are some caddis in that area so swinging a dark colored wet would have been a better choice. There has been some wild browns in that area but they seem to not be as plentiful the last few years in that area by my account. also smaller wollybuggers can catch some fish and cover alot of water. Also that area gets pounded after a stocking so try another area. Upper Mt,creek above Fuller lake has wild Brookies and gets stocked once this time of year. I have done well there and also worked my but off with little results. Many fish caught are used as table fare so numbers may not be as high as some catch and release areas.
In the upper reaches i always thought Mountain creek would be a good place to luck into a Tiger Trout.......anybody ever do it there?
How far up? Above Laurel & Fuller Lakes I don't think I've caught anything other than brookies, and catch wild browns below. Not sure how much intermingling happens to give a chance for tigers to occur. The lakes seem to seperate the populations pretty well...
Like i said it's been over 10 years since i fished there but i swear iv'e caught wild browns above the lakes , it could be a foggy memry but when wild tiger trout and i were talking about the tigers and the conditions required to produce one Mountain creek was one of the streams that came to mind.