Mottled Turkey for wet fly wings question.


New member
May 14, 2014
What other feather substations can people recommend to substitute for mottled turkey feathers for wet fly wings? I used up the last of my turkey and have not been able to find any good turkey feathers. which have good mottling. All of the feathers I have are of a solid color or have large barring. I am going to try some feathers of a ring neck off a bird I shot which have some minimal molting and see how they work. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Hen pheasant is what I've used.
I’ve used hen pheasant as well. Here’s a March Brown wet fly tied using hen pheasant for the wings.

Hen pheasant is good. Peahen or peacock wing feathers are also nice - but expensive if you don't know someone with peafowl.

In the local game birds, grouse and woodcock have mottled feathers, but I hardly bag them anymore. Haven't seen a grouse in the wild for a few years now.