Mother Nature is off her meds again!

So..... you're pretty happy with how it's going? 🤣🤣
Crazy weather for sure.
We've set or tied record high temps 3x this month

I've already fished BWO's on several streams - in flows that were like summertime level.
And no sign of snow in the surrounding mountain tops

I've seen several Tom turkeys in my yard doing their mating ritual already.

Have seen daffodils in full bloom at several spots in my neighborhood already.
And with these mild winters happening more and more often now, it looks like this might very well be the new normal.
So..... you're pretty happy with how it's going? 🤣🤣
Are you asking me? The weather doesn't bother me. I was just posting my observation.

The drastic swings this time of year are common, but still interesting.
If we get by St Patty's day I'll feel more confident that this winter was not too bad. I've see winter much much worse so this year is a Bonus.