Most versatile heavy rod wt?



Active member
Apr 18, 2012
Looking for something that will mainly be used to go after SMB and Steelhead... but one that I can also use to tangle with occasional muskie or saltwater species. Is 8wt too light?
mr7183 wrote:
Looking for something that will mainly be used to go after SMB and Steelhead... but one that I can also use to tangle with occasional muskie or saltwater species. Is 8wt too light?

An 8wt may be a little on the heavy side for SMB & Steelhead and a little on the light side for muskie and saltwater (blues/stripers). Sounds like a good compromise. I've caught every one of these fish and many others fishing with an 8wt and none of them ever complained. Go for it.
yeah I was thinking 7 wt for steel and a 9 for muskie so an 8 will get you by most likely.