Morris, PA Area



Mar 6, 2009
We've been invited to spend a few days in July or August at a friend's house in a little village called Oregon Hill near Morris. I know it's not far from Slate and Cedar, but would love some input on other options in the area. As I am completely against spot burning, PM's are more than welcome. We will definitely stop by and pick Sandfly's brain and buy some stuff. Not interested in smallmouth.....I can get all I want in the Brandywine. Thanks.
Define the "area". How far are you willing to drive? The only reason I ask is because I know a lot of streams that I fish when I'm in that "area"....but it's all relative. I might be an hour away from a stream, and consider it close because frankly, it's closer than it would be if I were at home.
Excellent point. Let's say an hour.
I'll PM you to respect your views on spot burning ;-)
My camp is a couple of miles from there. I have a list of 93 streams/sections within an hour. You want that narrowed down some?
Ha. Send them all. Fantastic. I'll PM you with any questions, if you don't mind. Thanks.
Checkout this map(Tioga State Forest) & look to the west & northwest of Oregon Hill. You have both the Slate Run & Cedar Run drainage. Plenty of streams to explore. You can get a copy of this map at the Tioga State Forest office just south of Wellsboro on Rt287 or I think Sandfly has some copies.

Thanks. Great map. Guess I should have thought of that.
Make sure you budget your time wisely. Plan on spending as much time at Sandfly's shop as you plan on spending on the stream that day, 'cause he'll keep you there for hours entertaining you.
gets mighty loney here squashy, only get visits from people like brad during the weekdays. I miss you squashums. !!
Sorry dude, I probably won't be up again til November!
If I was gonna be in Morris I would fish Cedar starting at the mouth right across from Pettecote Junction. I have no idea what kinda shape your in but, I'd fish it to at least the bottom of the Mine Hole. A lot of the fishing in the area depends on water levels/rainfall as I'm sure your aware. If there is water in the mountain there are some nice little runs between Blackwell and Cedar Run. School house, Woodhouse. And of course there's always Slate. Hopefully the Amish and or Mennonites haven't dynamited or dumped bleach in any of the better holes for harvesting fish for a big fish fry. Happens more than one would think. Good luck. Have fun.
AS usual, the guys on PAFF come through. Received some graet information. Thanks everyone. And, Shortrod, that stuff you sent is incredible.
john,my family's farm is on oregon hill...i am guessing you are staying at T.D.'s.??when is your trip ,as i am up there @every other week right now for work.would be glad to show you around if i am around.

Forgot about your place up there. It is T.D.'s. We can go anytime. We'll make sure it's a week when you're there. Thanks.
FiveWeight wrote:
If I was gonna be in Morris I would fish Cedar starting at the mouth right across from Pettecote Junction. I have no idea what kinda shape your in but, I'd fish it to at least the bottom of the Mine Hole. A lot of the fishing in the area depends on water levels/rainfall as I'm sure your aware. If there is water in the mountain there are some nice little runs between Blackwell and Cedar Run. School house, Woodhouse. And of course there's always Slate. Hopefully the Amish and or Mennonites haven't dynamited or dumped bleach in any of the better holes for harvesting fish for a big fish fry. Happens more than one would think. Good luck. Have fun.

Have you witnessed or taken part in said dynamiting or bleaching? What makes you certain it happens often and the perps are Anabaptists? This claim came up a few years ago as well; just curious what the factual basis is for it.
Within minutes of Oregon Hill and without crossing Pine Creek there are a bunch of small streams worth fishing. Check out any blue line on the PA Atlas and you'll find them.

Some places within minutes of Oregon hill will be cold all summer so there isn't a need to worry about where to fish near where you're staying

Of the 2 big runs, Slate and Cedar, I prefer Slate Run. There are more mid-sized tributaries on Slate, and if Slate is too warm, which is likely in August, you'll have options. I've fished both Runs extensively and also know the tribs, if you want a little more detail PM me.
Don't ignore Babb Creek, but go up above Landrus, it will most likely be a bit warm below that point in August. It's tribs will be cold though.

In August I'd not fish the lower ends of the larger creeks, they will be on the warm side. However if you do want the experience then go early, like sun-up and you'll be okay, just monitor the temperatures as you fish.

Water levels get pretty low in August, if there hasn't been rain in a few days so don't be surprised to find a lower end of some creeks dry. Some of them sink near the mouths.

My fly of choice for August up there is a stimulator in a # 12 in either green or yellow, a lightening bug, a bit late maybe, but trout will take them, and beetles and ants. I don't use ants on brookie streams, because I feel it actually harms the brookies, they usually inhale them and swaloow them deep. I don't like the idea of unnecessarily killing trout I don't intend to eat.

Streams that rise on Oregon Hill are Trout Run, Big Run, Dixie Run, and English run, all hold wild trout and some are more remote than others. I don't know much about streams on the other side of rt. 287, but many of those hold wild trout too. All of the trib to Babb Creek hold fish.
Stony Fork holds stockies all summer.
You may want to visit the Bark Cabin Natural Area (virgin hemlocks) or hike the Golden Eagle Trail, you'll find info on both on the DCNR web site.
Hope this helps.
I'll be at my camp during the weekend of Hickory Fest, August 16th, if you are going to be there at that time let me know.