Monroe County, PA 12-15-12



Apr 20, 2011
Perfect day out with my brother. We hiked about 6 miles and caught tons of fish. The weather was perfect. Once the sun came up I saw a few BWO's coming off. All of our fish were caught on top. A truely spectacular day of fishing.



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Very nice! I see the lists pointed you in the right direction as far as stream selection ;-).

The Browns in that stream don't come easy, especially in low/cold water.
I've been meaing to check this one out for some time now. It was our first time there so we thought we hit brookie territory but we were a bit off. We caught two browns one right after the other and those were the only two.

There were pretty large peices of garbage (kiddie pool) on the stream that I wanted to take back w/ me but the hike was just too long. Perhaps another time.
6 Miles?
it's like two to the falls and about a half mile up after that, so make it 5. Took us an hour to walk back at a pretty good clip.
Everyone on this site exaggerates to a certain degree. It makes the story a little more interesting. There is a difference between exaggeration and lying, at least I think so. I've been known to add a mile or so to my fishing hikes. I never add an inch to my fish though :-D
Actually and I had a hard time believing it too but it's only about 1/2 mile to the first falls. Seems like a whole lot more but look at it on Google earth. You probably only did about 2 to 3 miles tops.

Chaz, be nice!
I'm with George on this, about 2 or 3 miles, I've fish there many times. You did good, sorry I couldn't make it.
Not that it really matters, but I'm kinda in between you guys on the distance estimate. Looking at the maps, I think it's darn close to a mile from the parking lot (including the path down to the stream) up to the falls. Then maybe just shy of another mile up to where the two headwater branches split, which is about where I usually stop fishing. My guess is more in the 3.5-4 mile round trip range, following the stream that is, and assuming you don't fish at all downstream of where the path from the parking lot dumps you out.
It's 1.5 to the first falls. I'll adust my distance to 4miles then since I'm sure we fished 0.5 above that. It did feel a lot longer though, I'll give you that.


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4 miles it is, regardless of distance you had a wonderful day. We just like to be contrary!
If this the stream I think it is I have a question. I've hiked it but didn't fish it and pretty much stuck to the trail which crosses the stream several times. There is a point where the trail crosses the stream for the last time and goes up hill, turns, and goes back toward the road.

How far from the last trail crossing is the waterfall?
Cathy - I'm not sure we have the same stream. The stream in this thread has a rough/spotty trail that runs along it and crosses it several times, along with another more obvious trail that intersects it, but neither trail really heads back toward a road. The only active road that comes close to the stream is the one with the lot/short path that papa and his brother likely parked at and followed down to the stream. From that trail it's somewhere between a mile and a mile and a half to the falls. Since I was fishing and not hiking every time I've been there, I don't remember exactly where or how many times the trail parallelling the stream crosses it.

If you want, PM the stream you're thinking of and I'll let you know if we're on the same page.
The trail goes along the creek another couple of trails go off of the first but none but the main trail goes back to the parking lot.
I've been meaning to get back there to fish. Maybe next week. I haven't fished anywhere since October and I haven't gone this long without fishing in a few years.
Cathy, we started up that trail up the mountain, as it's a pretty obvious path, and quickly realized it may not come back down so we back tracked and stuck to the stream. It's all pretty open right now so sometimes the trail along the stream wasn't completely obvious.

I would say that the mountain trail is half way. My advice would be to just keep walking along the stream (not regarding distance, as distance is a bit subjective when you're hiking as you can see from the tread) until you hit the falls. The falls are very obvious (not small). Good luck and have fun.
I only followed the stream about 100 feet past the trail that goes up the hill. Saw 2 fish. Barely. It was rough getting through the trees and stuff but all the leaves were still on them and it was hard to see what might be up ahead.

I really have to make my self get out next week.