Monocacy looking good

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I never once attacked you in that thread actually you attacked me. I never called you a name or eluded to your class or even age. As you did to me. I have seen entire threads be erased for less than you did.

Sal, I am certain you have never seen entire threads deleted by me for "less than" what Jay has directed toward you on the other thread. I just reviewed the entire thread where insults were hurled and not only were they very mild, they seemed to me to be a mutual thing.

Other moderators may have deleted threads that you thought were not as argumentative or where nothing personal was said and they might even think the one you are referencing was beyond the bounds, but I haven't and I do not.

If you are going to engage in debates and disputes, you have to take some insults as part of the mix unless they are outrageous and completely unsolicited. Again, having re-read that thread, I didn't see either.
so iam a doushe then jack ? :lol:

its ok i trust your judgement jack. then by your account jay was also wrong and i didnt peronal attack him either as he claims. i can tell you with jays old man sense of humor i dont think ill be debating with him anytime soon .
i remember a few posts getting deleted or locked but i can even begin to remember what ones to back up my claim. it was a long time ago.

as far as what you said about the poachers i think your approach is spot on. the thought of poachers im sure never equates into a biological report or survey.
If you try to bust balls in the middle of a debate, it won't just be laughed off. Granted, I was laughing, but I also saw an opening for much of the same on my part.
thats true jay but you dont play fair...i mean first you gotta have them for me to bust ;-)

no just kidding seriously man...u showed you got plenty just by being honest .
AWI i think
For all you pretentious fly anglers, Jack M entry #7 pretty much sums it all, so I'd suggest you re-read his entry again.

Furthermore, the PFBC had indicated that even bait anglers are catching and releasing trout more and more regardless of where their fishing. Oh, I can remember the days when fly fisherman were the "rapers" of the resource because it was an effective method of catching fish. You've come along way since days of old, some yes are now on the extreme, so do consideration also needs to be give to the general angler using different methods as they continue their journey to enlightenment and hopefully not to the far left or right. Perhaps they will best learn from the expamples you've set.

I've dabbled in this stream and others, and this area of Monocacy does posses some deep long pools. There is a definite lack of structure, cut back banks in these pools which are so crucial to hold these 14 inch plus trout in greater numbers. How are they supposed to live and feel safe, no where that I've seen so far. And you wonder why there not there in great numbers?

Ah, if only walleye were so easy to catch. Catching a trout is like luring in Pavlov's dog, while a walleye is as cunning as a fox.

catching trout on bait is a proven way to limit the population of fish through mortality, even when they are put back ;-)

Id be willing to bet the Letort browns are a bit more cunning than a walleye. Since walleye dont co-habitat with them we will never know :-D
Walleye are way easier to catch then trout...they are however, harder to locate in the first place. But if you can find them you can catch them.
Anticipated those responses from trout anglers, since its your site.

Regarding mortality, recent studies indicate that hooking mortality regardless of tackle used is greatly deminished to the point of no statisical difference in mortality values when the hook is removed properly, again it just a matter of angler evolution in the gear of their choice. So leave piety to the pious, and support the proper use of all fishing gear types.
so all that scientific data is just bogus. ;-)

this site is for flyfishing of all types. Warm water or cold water. Just so happens most of us just love trout fishing.
Coming to a site and trolling about fishing methods and species requires way more pretense than fly fishing.
jayL wrote:
Coming to a site and trolling about fishing methods and species requires way more pretense than fly fishing.

What he said. Oh, and welcome to the board!

This 23 inch brown trout came out of the Illick's Mill Park area of Monocacy Creek in Bethlehem. It was landed by Ted Ambrose of Allentown, PA with an ultralite setup after a 10 min. fight. Angler are reminded that Trophy Trout Project Waters are open to fishing year round, however no trout may be killed or had in possession from the day after Labor Day to the opening day of the regular trout season of the following year.


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gee - do you think he released it? lol
nice shame it still isnt swimming around.
I fish these waters on a regular basis, both the park area and the area around Bridalpath Rd in both directions, up to Macada and down towards to Ilicks Mill.

I've never, once, seen anyone creel a fish in the Bridalpath area. I've also never seen anyone actually take anything in the broad, flat area just above the Ilicks Mill park. I rarely see anyone up tehre at all, except as they park their cars and walk down to the stocked section because everyone knows that they don't stock above the falls.

Clearly I'm not capable of being everywhere at once, but I've spent plenty of time over the last 23 years in the park, and again, I've never seen anyone seriously fishing above the falls, not once. And this includes the bulk of the time when I was young, naieve, and happy to catch anything that swam and wouldn't have questioned trying to pick something off from up there.
