That's a good bit of info there. My knot tying is up to par and I've got a technique I use for blood knots that only takes about 4 hands and your mouth, but it gets the job done in about 20 seconds.
Even the best of fly casters get knots, so check your line periodically throughout the day. Don't leave wind knots in your line! All that time you spent to present the perfect fly, on the perfect line and perfectly get the fish to perfectly take it, only to have a wind knot break on you is not worth it.
I also implement the "if the fly takes me less time to retrieve from said tree/rock than it takes me to tie another one at the vise, then go get it!" theory.
Even the best of fly casters get knots, so check your line periodically throughout the day. Don't leave wind knots in your line! All that time you spent to present the perfect fly, on the perfect line and perfectly get the fish to perfectly take it, only to have a wind knot break on you is not worth it.
I also implement the "if the fly takes me less time to retrieve from said tree/rock than it takes me to tie another one at the vise, then go get it!" theory.
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