Mink on VAlley Creek

where are you Farmer Dave ? - I saw a Golden Eagle here in SEPA a couple of weeks ago. they can take a grown rooster easy.

I was shocked to see it, but they are becoming quite common here as they pass by to the NY/PA Lakes in the north.

where are you Farmer Dave ? - I saw a Golden Eagle here in SEPA a couple of weeks ago. they can take a grown rooster easy.

This was more than likely an immature Bald Eagle. They are also becoming more common along the Susquehanna.
geebee wrote:
where are you Farmer Dave ? - I saw a Golden Eagle here in SEPA a couple of weeks ago. they can take a grown rooster easy.

I was shocked to see it, but they are becoming quite common here as they pass by to the NY/PA Lakes in the north.

NE Ohio.

Lots of bald eagles around over here, but even more redtail. Way more.

I didn't witness the actual crime. I only suspect redtail for [d] two [/d] three reasons.

1. The bird was not carried away and the injuries were not consistent with a 4 legged predator.

2. Like you said, an eagle could have easily carried the rooster off. But whatever killed it only carried part of it off. He wasn't huge (medium breed) but probably too big for a redtail to carry off.

C. I am pretty sure I saw the culprit in an earlier attempt.

Whatever it was, it killed it and then ripped off one of the breasts and carried that off.

No great loss, but wife was a little upset that I lost my... ;-)

Maybe one of my neighbors got hungry, but it was on a Sunday and they wouldn't do that on a Sunday. LOL!

A couple of years ago I was on fishing creek when I saw a mink making it's way down the bank. Sneaking in between the rocks. I thought pretty cool and went back to fishing. A few minutes later I turned around to see a Mother duck, down stream from me, was going crazy beating it's wings on the water. She was between the bank and some of her chicks. I thought nothing of it until a few minutes later I saw the same Mink making the return trip with a duckling in it's mouth. I told my wife and daughter this story and they were having a fit until I said, "hey Mink have got to eat too. Why do you think ducks have 10-15 in a hatch and what would it be like if they all lived." To which they both replied, that makes since...

Trapped for years. It's a lot like fly fishing. Why would anyone be interested in it?

Why bother drifting Tricos? Softly drift a tiny worm and clean out the stream.

Agree with many comments. The furs/money don't matter it's the love of the the sport/chase. The old saying is..."If I'd win a million dollars I'd trap until the money ran out."

My best Mink story is the time I took my ten year-old son drifting down the short old canal where muddy creek and the susky come together. We ran into a mated pair of the largest minks I've ever seen. (no they weren't otters) They couldn't care less. I decided to see how much they didn't care. With my son in the front i beached it beside them.

They still didn't care. He was more than a little concerned. I was too. I was beginning to think they'd rip his face off when they continued on their way.

dsmith1427 wrote:
A couple of years ago I was on fishing creek when I saw a mink making it's way down the bank. Sneaking in between the rocks. I thought pretty cool and went back to fishing. A few minutes later I turned around to see a Mother duck, down stream from me, was going crazy beating it's wings on the water. She was between the bank and some of her chicks. I thought nothing of it until a few minutes later I saw the same Mink making the return trip with a duckling in it's mouth. I told my wife and daughter this story and they were having a fit until I said, "hey Mink have got to eat too. Why do you think ducks have 10-15 in a hatch and what would it be like if they all lived." To which they both replied, that makes since...


I saw something similar once, but the culprit was a fish. Mother duck was going crazy just before the big splash... and then there were 4 left. Came back that evening with a spinning rod and caught a 5 pounder. 5 pound Bass, not duck.