Millipede Pattern?

Cumberland Valley TU puts out a book of favorite patterns. I found the millipede to be quite interesting. I now have 6 of them in my box at all times in the summer. If you get tired of ants and beetles in the heat of a summer afternoon, go to the millipede! I've caught some bigger fish in very heavily fished SEPA streams and thought of this as an underutilized (and under fished) pattern. Oh, well, maybe you will all continue to think that these are other critters. The pattern is by Ron Ahlers and amounts to wrapping a hook with the proper size mono then palmering over the mono with a dark dun hackle and then trimming the hackle very short. I put a slight bend in the hook as I do for caddis patterns. I highly recommend this book, there a lot of great patterns. Some good stories too!
I'm not a professional fly tyer by any means but I would put together a patter pretty similar to the back end of a black stonefly. I know what you're talking about and those millipedes are fairly small. It'd have to be a scud hook to imitate the curve of the bug. I'd use a silly skin or skud back material and tie it like the ribbing of the rear end of my black stoneflies. I may try to make one up and post it, but don't have much time for tying these days. New job is cutting into my hobbies :(