Midge patterns for Spring creek?



Active member
Jan 7, 2010
Bilg25 and I fished spring creek for the first time yesterday. I was really scepticle about catching trout on midges (sz 18 to ?). So I fished a tandem rig sz 14 san jaun. And I dropped a tag off the bend and fished a sz 20 orange midge wt herl collar. I got 2 hook ups and 1 landed about 14 inch brown both on the midge. I found it hard to believe that a trout of that size would pass up a "big meal" fly like the SJ for somthin' that dinky.

I was wondering you guys could recommend some good midge pattern for Spring Creek. I had no faith in them, but yesterday kinda got me interested.

Much like yourself, I'm a fan of big streamers....

However, don't underestimate midges. They are consistent, your round trout slayers. This is particualrly true for heavily pressured fish in limestone streams like Spring Creek. Pull a rock outa Spring Creek and look at it. Not only will you see a lot of midges but also a lot of scuds, caddis, and sowbugs, many of which are quite small. A tiny nymph on a size #20 hook will be about the best match you can get for most of the food that a trout in Spring Creek will see throughout the day. For nymphing such as you were doing, "Zebra Midges" or similar narrow profile patterns with distinct ribbing are excellent. Not only do they match the midge larvae but they're a pretty good imitation of a tiny caddis or shrimp. As you discovered, drop one of these rascals off a tandem set-up with a bigger nymph and the little one will often catch the fish. Trout in limestoners feed on little stuff - offer it to 'em.

It has always me amazed how trout(big trout) will pass up big stuff for the small stuff like, midges, tricos etc. I've watched trout go crazy for those tiny tricos during a hatch, they must be like candy to them. I've had some luck over the years with, griffith's gnats, ICSI( I can see it midges).

Well it is official that I have to add another box for my tricos and midges and a spool of 8x tippet to my lanyard . I can't believe Im saying that.

I saw more than a couple fish swimming in and outta currents grabbing stuff. I guess they were midge or some other small larva. It I'll be a challenge tying these small flies.
They are not as bad as you might think. I love fishing the Trico hatch starting in late June. It is really fun catching trout on such small flys. I use 7x.Have never tried 8x. I bought some Tiemco 518 hooks size 28,30 and 32 recently. I want to see how effective these REALLY small flies are. I may also have to invest in a spool of 8x tippet and a good magnifying glass! LOL.
For dries, I tie my midges and tricos identically, black thread body and spinner style. The only difference between the 2 is tricos have the tail. So I typically tail them all, and cut off the tail streamside if its midges I'm trying to imitate. Underneath, I use a zebra midge type pattern, often in red instead of black.

No need for 7x or 8x, certainly not on Spring Creek. 6x works just fine for tricos and midges down to size 26. I typically stay up in the 22 to 24 range just to keep my sanity, even if the natural midges are a 28 or 30.
I have caught trout on Tricos fishing 6x. I just seem to get better drag free drifts with 7x. That is why I tend to use it more than 6x.
The fish in Spring really like red. I use a red brassie with some luck. The only realy trouble I have is because the hook is too small I lose a lot of the fish once hooked.
What hooks do you guys tie your midges on? I'm partial to the dai riki #135 & 270's. The scuds they go down to 22 and the natural bend goes down 24's would they be a good choice?
You want to use hooks with a wide gap for better hookup rates
The best I've seen are the partridge Vince Marinaro midge hooks.
But they are kinda pricey.
Tiemco model 518 are very good too, but I'm not sure if they are still being made. Haven't seen them anywhere lately.
Orvis big eye hooks have a pretty nice gap, and are a little easier on my aging eyes to get tied on.
I use mustad signature series in the 25 pack. The scud hooks, and I off-set the hook point slightly.
I use a lot of dia riki hooks too, but they already have an off-set hook point.
The wide hook gap would be a big advantage I would think. The couple I've had tied were on partride sz 18 ideal nymph hooks. They are barbless makes it tough to keepthe trout hooked.
Don't know about the nymph hooks. But the Marinaro dry fly hooks hold quite nicely. Have hooked and landed many fish on them.

When fishing midges, it really helps to stay below the fish - so that when you set the hook, the fly gets pulled back into the fishes mouth.
I have even landed many fish on #32 hooks - which by the way are only made by tiemco last I knew
i think 8X is overkill. I use 5x with size 18 midges and land plenty of fish on spring. Size 20 or more i will use 6x just for the ease of threading the hook
I have caught trout on Tricos fishing 6x. I just seem to get better drag free drifts with 7x.

Thats true, and I have resorted to 7x before. But typically, I just lengthen the 6x tippet and work on my cast. Longer tippets will help with drag. And try to keep the tippet upstream of the fly with a bit of a reach cast. Seems to do the trick if I do my part, though, like many, I screw up a lot of casts!

I tie the midge/trico ties in 22-26. Most of the time with tricos I use the 22's and 24's, and can't say I ever resorted to 7x. When I go with midges I use 24's or 26's, and the 26's are where I occasionally have resorted to 7x. Still, even at 26, I think the times where it is necessary are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Tiemco 518's are available at "Flyfishers" Flyshop in State College. They are made in three sizes 28, 30 and 32. I just bought a pack of each a couple weeks ago. You can call them to order as they have a mail order service as well as the retail store. The number is (814) 234-4189. Do you fellas think 8x is to small for size 30 and 32 flies?
I've fished #32 flies on 7X with no problems. Never felt the need to go to tippet finer than that
Thanks for the info. I think I will stick with 7x too.
The only reason I thought of 7 and 8x was not to keep form spooking trout but being able to to thread the eyes on them. But if can land a steelhead on 5.5 pound tippet I think I could land a trout on 7 or 8x. But then you run the possible of loosin' a big boy.

These 2 patterns are on a size 20 hook.

As we saw there are definatly fish in the stream that are big boys you might loose if you go to that size tippet........I'm sure if you do that I will get to see if your theory is right