midge book suggestion



Jul 29, 2009
With winter upon us I need some valid reading material. Can anyone suggest a book on midge fishing/tying. I am looking to build my fly fishing tactics and tying resume.
I do not know of a midge book but I tied some midge patterns from another post on here. It's a video on YouTube called, "Pat Dorsey's Top Secret Midge". If you haven't seen this, check it out. Very easy and looks like a killer. I just haven't had the chance to try it out yet.
Fishing the Midge by Ed Koch.
Midge Magic - Don Holbrook & Ed Koch
have absolutly nothing to do with midges and barely fly fishing but

a sand county almanac by aldo leopold
crazy white man

for midges modern day dry fly code by mariano(spell check is disabled)
I would agree with the other who said Midge Magic and Fishing the Midge are great books.

I would also recomend Tying Small Flies by Ed Engle.

I own Midge Magic and Fishing the Midge, but if I were to buy only one book on midges, it would be Modern Midges: Tying and Fishing the World's Most Effective Patterns by Rick Takahashi & Jerry Hubka.


Great info on how to tie hundreds of patterns and some great info on fishing techniques for midges.
+2 for Fidhing the Midge and Midge Magic. Fishing the Midge was the first fly fishing book I read when I was about 13. Recently retread it and it's information, particularly as it applies to CV limestone creeks is as valid as the day it was published.
I really like Modern Midges by Rick Takahashi and Jerry Hubka. Its all glossy pages and mostly an instructional manual on how to tie the midge. there are chapters on how to fish, presentation, indicators etc too.
Hundreds of recipes included in all phases of development; larva, pupa, emerger and adult.
Modern Midges is an awesome book. I think it will take many years to tie up all the nice ones they show.
afishinado wrote:
I own Midge Magic and Fishing the Midge, but if I were to buy only one book on midges, it would be Modern Midges: Tying and Fishing the World's Most Effective Patterns by Rick Takahashi & Jerry Hubka.


Great info on how to tie hundreds of patterns and some great info on fishing techniques for midges.

Midge Magic if you fish the Cumberland Valley limestoners.