Meth Head

jdaddy wrote:
oh and the back background is probably not the best for demonstrating colors and whatnot. lot of guys use light blue.

Alot of guys are dumb. You chose your background based on the strengths of your foreground. The black quite nicely helps emphasize these tones, including the royal blue.

For a true neutral background you want 18% Kodak Grey. For people who aren't that anal retentive, any medium dark grey will work.
Nice flies, nice pics, nice new pattern. Sorry I missed meeting you at the JAM last weekend. Maybe another time we can rip some lip together.

(message to all paff)

Is it just me, or am I just exceptionally gifted?

I feel like 99% of fly patterns out there, I can just look at a single picture and do a pretty good job of copying it.

It's not rocket surgery guys. Just takes some effort and imagination.
Nice tie Aaron - the one you gave me looks even better though.

I got the chance to see one of Letera's fly boxes, and there wasn't a poorly tied fly in it. It was eye candy, for sure.

I'm glad to see some positive feedback for you. It was a pleasure to meet you this past weekend on stream. I hope more people get the chance to meet you, and fish with you.

This is one of the great benefits of getting the people here together in person for our Jamborees/mini Jams.

BTW - I call first dibs on fishing with you at next year's Steelhead Jam!

I am only from New Castle. Its not far from you we can hit some water whenever you want.
Heratage the fly you got is tyed with the diamond braid I dyed. The one pictured is the first prototype I did and it was with that flat sparkle braid. I changed over to what you have now. Thanks for the complements. If you fish with me you can try any flies I have in my box as long as you send me the pics of the fish you catch.
One other thing I wanted to add about this type of pattern. This year you are going to start seeing more "smash up" patterns. Especially in the NY area. In NY you can only use one hook so it makes sense to combine two good patterns into one sort of double dipping. You can also tie patterns on mono and do that "hareline" type rig with a few flies up the tippet and one hook at the end of the tippet for NY. I personally don't like this because it seems too much like snagging or lining the fish. Also for those guys thinking of making the Oak Orchard trip next fall. When you go to set the hook the motion has to be strait up not off to the side at all. 7 guys got fined when I was up there because their hook set was a little to the side. In NY you don't actually have to snag a fish to get fined if it looks like a snagging motion they will fine you. Its a $250 fine too.
gfen wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
oh and the back background is probably not the best for demonstrating colors and whatnot. lot of guys use light blue.

Alot of guys are dumb. You chose your background based on the strengths of your foreground. The black quite nicely helps emphasize these tones, including the royal blue.

For a true neutral background you want 18% Kodak Grey. For people who aren't that anal retentive, any medium dark grey will work.

Fair enough, you certainly know a lot more about that carp than I do, however I would disagree with the use of black here. You can hardly see the black biots and the jelly rope and under body are very hard to see as well. Needs moar contrasting background to my untrained eyes.
Jdady here are a few pics with a lighter background for you.


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Way easier to see imo.

Becker, so you are saying too many colors because in nature there typically is only a color or two represented?
gfen wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
oh and the back background is probably not the best for demonstrating colors and whatnot. lot of guys use light blue.

Alot of guys are dumb. You chose your background based on the strengths of your foreground. The black quite nicely helps emphasize these tones, including the royal blue.

For a true neutral background you want 18% Kodak Grey. For people who aren't that anal retentive, any medium dark grey will work.

And you accuse me of trying to science up some art....
jdaddy wrote:
Way easier to see imo.

Becker, so you are saying too many colors because in nature there typically is only a color or two represented?

If so, please don't forget that we're talking about colossal hatchery rainbows with a bonus genetic predisposition to eating bright crap on top of the standard issue rainbow stupidity.
yeah... that looks just like the senyo steak and eggs fly

funny didn't you jump on someone for not giving credit / "ripping off" a fly?

your heads are crowded
the red thread is not a good choice... and there is way too much of it

gfen said it best
"...its just inane things lashed to a hook..."
Correct imo, however, we are talking chromadome fishing. So who cares?
jdaddy wrote:
Way easier to see imo.

Becker, so you are saying too many colors because in nature there typically is only a color or two represented?
Ramcatt the fish I have caught think the red thread is a good choice so I guess thats all the really matters. By the way Greg Senyo did not come up with the steak and eggs he stole that pattern from a guy he thought was dying of cancer. The guy ended up beating cancer and is a survivor. Actually he has taken quite a few flies from other guys in Ohio and passed them off to Orvis. He is a real piece of work and I don't think too much of him.
SBecker butchered quote:
Correct imo, however, we are talking chromadome fishing. So who cares?

My point was going to be that there is nothing natural about any of the colors so why not use them together. Then I thought, ever see a salmon fly? At any rate, I think you get the point. And as you said, chromadome.
Letaras, you might want to give props to Tod Kaday.
Back when Tod Kaday first started sharing his crystal meth pattern, color selections of the material were limited to what the local shops had on hand. Metallic colors in blue, red and gold is what quite a few locals were using, many splitting colors to make a two toned fly. Metallic blue became a widely use version of the fly. Half red, half blue was also popular.
Crystal meths are great. They were basically a new take on the sucker spawns using the new materials at the time. I was not sure who came up with the crystal meth but they work so who ever it was did a great job. I put a twist on the crystal meth. By combining two hot flies into one "smash up" fly. It has really been catching fish so that is all I care about. I always get a sense of acomplishment when I tie a fly that catches a lot of fish for me. Something you make yourself always feels better to catch fish on.
Leteras wrote:
Crystal meths are great. They were basically a new take on the sucker spawns using the new materials at the time. I was not sure who came up with the crystal meth but they work so who ever it was did a great job. I put a twist on the crystal meth. By combining two hot flies into one "smash up" fly. It has really been catching fish so that is all I care about. I always get a sense of acomplishment when I tie a fly that catches a lot of fish for me. Something you make yourself always feels better to catch fish on.

Right on! Great creativity! Letaras you have a great mind for creation. Keep at it.

Just a thought, did you ever consider wrapping some dubbing in figure 8s to cover up those thread wraps? Even better yet, You could tie down the braid with a lightly dubbed thread. It would really put the fly together well, a little more eye pleasing so to say. (not that it really matters, seeing how it cleans up as is ;) )
Leteras wrote:
I was not sure who came up with the crystal meth but they work so who ever it was did a great job.

Yes, it was Todd during an evening at the vise while a student at Behrend College in Erie. He's presently a west coast steelheader.
That fly has put many fish on the bank for many fishermen.
So, Hats off to Todd.
BTW, nice twist on the fly.
Cool looking flies. Catching steel head and browns on them I think would be awesome. Do they work in low and clear water?