Mentored Youth Days 2016: you wrote, they listened



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
With the Mentored Youth Days coming up...the first being the SE regional one on March 26 with the rest of the state following 2 weeks later...all of the info that you need to know to prepare is now posted on the PFBC web site. It includes the rule that youth may keep 2 trout , 7 inches and longer from the stocked waters , but the mentors must practice catch and release only. Mentors may not harvest any trout.
Good to hear, but mentors should only be allowed to assist the child, not fish too.

Also, a 15 year old should qualify as needing a mentor.

I think it should switch to be up to age 12, and possibly only from like 8am to 2 pm.
MKern wrote:

Also, a 15 year old should qualify as needing a mentor.

I think it should switch to be up to age 12, and possibly only from like 8am to 2 pm.

No way a 15 year old should be participating in this! Maximum age of 10 - maybe 12. At least adults can't keep fish but they shouldn't be fishing period. Want to mentor/teach a youngster....fine. No need for an adult to have their own rod.
I'm okay with a 15 year old fishing. Kids could be doing a lot worse things at that age. But I agree with the rest of you, adults should be mentoring, not fishing. Personally, I'd be ashamed to fish among the kids.