Mentored Youth Day



Mar 1, 2013
Is anyone else planning on taking a kid out for mentored youth day tomorrow? I had planned on taking our friend's daughter out, but now i'm looking online and she needs to register for a permit which includes her Social Security #. I'm not sure if her parents will apply themselves as they aren't fisherfolk and I doubt they really care to go giving out their child's SSN. Leave it to the fish commission to make taking a kid fishing as complicated as possible.
I plan to take my ten year old nephew out. I like the rule changes limiting adults from keeping. My plan is to do no more than help him set up and unhook. I won't be wetting a line myself unless he really gets the hang of it fast.
Maybe you can tell them that 25,000 kids registered last year, so the SSN did not appear to be a substantial deterrent.
I agree it's good that adults can't keep trout. I'm not sure why that was ever part of the program in the first place or why adults are still allowed to fish at all because I thought this was supposed to be about the kids. I don't plan on fishing at all for myself but i will help cast, set the hook and unhook fish as needed.

Mike, i don't see how the # of participants shows that providing a SSN isn't an issue for people who don't participate. I'm glad 25,000 kids participated but I thought the goal was to get more people involved in fishing.

It seems to me that a child who has a parent that is an avid fisher person is more likely to get their child into the sport than one that is not. children from non fishing households is where the greatest potential ability to create more fishermen and women lies. The program makes it difficult to take children that are not your own fishing imo.

I understand this rule is probably related to people abusing the age limit. To be honest i'm just bummed that I can't take her fishing over something like this. I told her last night i would take her this weekend and she was excited to go.
Wait Im confused.

I thought you could go fishing at anytime on a legal body of water under 16 without any licenses or permit?
Only in season. This event is when the ATWs are closed.
Giving child's ss# is a ridiculous requirement. Almost as bad as allowing adults to catch and keep fish was
Crap, just remembered that tomorrow was youth day. I was planning on going out tomorrow morning. From ya'lls experience, is it crowded on youth day?
I am going out. Mike stop down at the Jordan and say hi, will have my two boys with me. Got them the voluntary license today. They were pumped.
Hey thanks guys, didn't even know you needed to register for this. Didn't see anything about that in the fishing regs book where they advertised the youth day, must have missed it.

Fighting my way through the pfbc website right now. It is kinda silly to have to enter all their info though. It's not just ssn, it's basically everything it seems.

Whatever I gotta do to take the step kids out to hay creek tomorrow.
Make sure you have some time to find the proper links to buy voucher, enter ID info, redeem voucher etc.

Just took me over an hour.
Icy guides,
Not a PFBC idea to require SS#. Federal law requires us to get it so there can be an instant check on delinquent child care payments. That's right. All licensed anglers have to be checked to see if they are deadbeat parents.

I personally find this bureaucratic craziness but can't find a way around it. Believe me if I could, I would certainly fix it. We also need a unique identification number to have the US FWS certify the license so that IT can qualify for federal aid reimbursement. We get about $5 back for every unique license sale. No matter if it is a resident, non-resident or $1 youth license. We are reinvesting all proceeds, $1 plus the $5 federal, back into youth fishing programs which is why we recommend buying a voluntary license instead of getting the free permit.

Good luck to all who find a child to take fishing tomorrow. Both you and they will benefit from the experience. Thanks.

Thanks for checking in with some Straight Talk FT - much appreciated.

Looks like a nice day tomorrow and hopefully MYD will be an even bigger success than last year.
check the stocking schedule. It doesn't look like Hay ck has been stocked yet.
Had a great day on Clarks Creek with my nephew. The crowd was heavy in the kids section, but the fish were willing. PFBC and Dauphin County Anglers put together a great event. We had much more fun & luck and the creek all to ourselves above the special regs area. I think my nephew is hooked. :)
My 12 year old daughter caught her first trout on a fly. It's actually quite a good time to get a young one interested in FF.

She has caught more fish than most 12 year olds but this was her first trout on a fly.

As a twelve year old she really really hated fishing that day. If I was smart, I would have found something different to do. It's really difficult to get children interested in things that you like to do. I knew it was great day to fish. She felt otherwise.

Nonetheless the mentored youth day is tailor made for getting a youngster into ff.