Memorial Lake



New member
Dec 8, 2013
Has anyone ever fly fished memorial lake? If so looking for some pointers. Trying to get my dad to take me Saturday so if anyone has any info it would be appreciated
used to go all the time in early spring. could catch crappy on the fly in the back bay near the bridge. took a buddy out there for his first go with ff. that was when it drawn down for the dam work. he caught a chain, that he proceeded to thumb....i laughed and laughed.
i have not fished it in years now, but you should have no problems catching panfish and the occasional large mouth in any of the bays. i would start off at the boat launch bay on the north side of the lake.
I fished Memorial two weeks ago. I was only there for about an hour but managed to hook up with a few panfish. There were carp spawning along the banks everywhere. I wished I had brought my 8 weight and some heavy crayfish patterns.

We fished it from the kayaks.
Did you happen to see any bass or anyone catching bass? I've been wanting to get up there and target the bass in the area with my canoe. I've only ever caught panfish there, but that was when I was bank fishing.
I've fished this lake less than 5 times. I have caught a few bass, but in my experience the panfish, carp and pike (small) are more plentiful. That being said I have never had great success there either. Its a nice lake, has nice facilities and easy access. If I'm looking to do a lot of hooking up with fish this is probably one of the last locations I pick. YMMV.
There is some nice bass in there, would be good with a popper this month close to night time. I hear there are big musky in there too. To the right of the boat launch is the good area.