

Active member
Sep 11, 2006
I have been wondering this for a while.

You know at the bottom of the frum page where it list what members on logged it by their screen name.
What determines the order of the names?

Not that it's a big deal, but just have an itched that needs scratched.

Here are some of my theories that don't hold water...

Rank by number of post -- nope!
In order of who posted most recently -- nope!
In order os signing in -- nope!
Most handsome -- nope! (or I could quite possible listed first every time). :lol:

Any ideas?

Dave care to share any insight?
I'd imagine it's the order that they acquired the session with the site. The first one has been browsing the longest during this session.

I just logged out and can back in a couple minute to see if this theory holds true, but when I logged back in my name was still first.

The mystery continues. (I'm starting to believe it's random)
Numeric organization of IP's?

Credit score.