Meet the Hendricksons

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I caught up with Tim Flagler at Tightline Productions about his recent Hendricksons video. I couldn't help but post this right away as the macro video on this is awesome. Tim shared with me that he started with this video about two years ago and took quite a bit of effort to produce. Much of it was completed in fish tanks to get the best light and control of the environment.

Tim collected Hendrickson nymphs and duns from the South Branch of the Raritan River near Califon, NJ. Tim does not claim to be an entomologist, but is pretty certain that these are all Hendricksons (Ephemerella subvaria).

Great details and nice job.

Tim Flagler can be contacted through the company website at Tightline Productions.
Super-cool vid. Great UW action. My only disagreement is that I think you see a couple E. invaria in some shots- Sulphur nymphs- more yellow.
Thanks for posting.
edit: 1:10 = 2 Henricksons (bigger, multi color) and 1 Sulphur (smaller, all yellow).
I'm not an entimologist either, but that's my story.
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Super-cool vid. Great UW action. My only disagreement is that I think you see a couple E. invaria in some shots- Sulphur nymphs- more yellow.
Thanks for posting.
edit: 1:10 = 2 Henricksons (bigger, multi color) and 1 Sulphur (smaller, all yellow).
I'm not an entimologist either, but that's my story.
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Super-cool vid. Great UW action. My only disagreement is that I think you see a couple E. invaria in some shots- Sulphur nymphs- more yellow.
Thanks for posting.
edit: 1:10 = 2 Henricksons (bigger, multi color) and 1 Sulphur (smaller, all yellow).
I'm not an entimologist either, but that's my story.
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