McClane book review



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Has anyone read this book- McClane's angling world?

If so, what are your thoughts? How is the read? Thanks in advance!
I read it a long time ago. As I recall, it is moderately interesting, but I wouldn't spend a lot of money on the book. But remember, it has been years since I read it.
RRT- Thanks, I order books from the library these days so if a book is a dud- no big deal. Paul
Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this post now.

I have been a McClane-o-phile all of my life. He literally (pun not intended) taught me how to fish. No body in my family fished, but one day I picked up a Field 'n Stream magazine read an article by A.J. and was hooked (this time, pun intended).

Like Lefty, he was from this region of the country. I think he was from the central/eastern PA. He came onto the scene after WWII, after serving at the front lines in Europe. He was hired to work at Field n Stream magazine, soon his talents propelled him to become one of the first "superstar" angling writers.

By today's standards, his writing style may seem a bit dated, but holds up well. He is a reporter foremost, artistic writer secondarily. You WILL learn by reading his work, no matter how much on-stream experience you have. He does personalize his stories and he does draw you into the wonderful places from around the globe he has fished.

I recommend anything by AJ. He and his writing are American classics.

I did send him a letter once thanking him for his collection of work that helped put me on the stream. I felt that I owed him. After several months without a response, I one day received a letter from his wife. She thanked me for writing and said it meant a lot to him -- gave him a boost when he needed it most. She said he wanted to respond, but passed away before he was able.

Funny thing is, I didn't even know he was ill when I wrote. I have taken more time on my backcast since that letter.
aj mcClane is great.i read anything i come across by him.
i think his encyclopedia of fishing is a must own by any angler.

i could never get enough of McClane.
greeng- nice story.