Materials for sale



New member
Feb 10, 2015
Hello out there,
I am a new member to this forum. I have a question. I have someone who would like to sell different sorts of feathers and pelts and hooks that were her fathers who has passed. Is there somewhere on this site that these could be posted? Please advise.
Thank you,
We have a swap forum for regular users to trade, sell or search for fly fishing items. I suppose you could put some pics up. (under 150keach) and apply some prices.

Note that its not an auction site and its best to insert a price for sale and discuss the details via PM for your sales to keep the chatter off the thread.

Good luck with your wish to get rid of the materials.

Also, you may consider contacting your local TU chapter (Delco??)

Perhaps they have someone who would be willing to look the lot over and may know some interested.

And there's always Ebay.
Post for sale here on the swap forum, I might pick up some hooks and what not depending what there is.