Material Swap



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
I would like to put together a material swap. The thought is we get a group of guys, and everybody sends me one or two things they might want to trade. I put everything in a box and send the whole box of materials to the first person that signs up. That person then takes one or two things they would like, and replaces them with more materials. That person then sends the box of materials to the next person on the list. Each time you take something out you can take a picture of what you took out and post it on this thread. This can go on for a long time. If you have intrest in doing something like this please sign up. I hope we get some interest in this, because I think you could get some cool materials you don't see often. Additionally, you don't have to spend time tying flies or anything like that. Get the box take what you want, replace and move it on.

1. Sbecker- bag of Cdc, Guinea hen skin
Right, A mink skin and a grouse skin that I shot. This could be cool...
I am in. I have some squirrel tails, yarn, and some other stuff.
The more people the better this could be. Once we hit a good number of people I will send everybody my address. You then can send me the materials and we will get this started.

1. Sbecker- bag of Cdc, Guinea hen skin
2. LV2nymph- Mink and Grouse skin
3.Beeber- Squirrel tail, Yarns, other stuff.
Had a couple PMs about how this, and I just wanted to clear some things up. We kinda needs some donations from the swappers to.start this whole thing up, and is the reason why you need to send me a thing or two, to get the box rolling. This can go on for as long as everybody wants, and I would be willing to let new people jump in, while the box is moving around the state. They would have to make a little donation as well. Once everybody is tired of the swap, whatever materials are left over we then can donate to a kids tying group. The Hokendaqua TU does a kids tying group over the winter, and I am sure they would be please with the donation. Just wanted to put that all out there.
Any other interest?
I have an entire rabbit skin that was dyed bright red that I almost never use except for some gill spots on big streamers once in a while. I'll clip off a big chunk of that.

And a bunch of white sparkle organza.
Ill look when I get home might have some buck tail to throw in

a coworker handed me an entire bag of animal scraps from her husband. you're free to have them. misc fur, deer, bear, elk and who knows what else i haven't even opened it.
Thanks Gfem, I would be happy to take it and include it in the box. Appreciate it.