Marcellus Shale Senate Vote...clock ticking

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For those not aware of this legislation, the PA House of Representatives has passed a severance tax on the Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction. The importance of this tax is to build a fund to help protect the environment form past, current and future impacts of this activity. Currently the PA Senate has just two days to pass this legislation or it will die and the areas of the state impacted by Marcellus Shale will be unprotected.

It is easy to help pass the tax, just click the link below and fill in the form, the text of your email is provided and you can edit it to your specifics if you wish. It only takes a few minutes.

The Penn Future direct link to email your Pennsylvania State Senators.

Although the Marcellus Shale gas extraction may not directly affect your home watershed, it does affect many of our treasured trout streams and forested areas upstate and to the west. This is an important piece of legislation to protect our states natural resources. Every other state that has MSGE has levied an extraction tax except Pennsylvania and the senate is stalled wishing not to pass it. They need to hear from every constituent.

Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited is encouraging the passage of this legislation with an appropriation of 2%-4% going to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Among other conservation agencies. It may be helpful to include this in your text.

Thank you for helping to keep Pennsylvania's natural resources protected.
Hell, I'm lucky I'm able to figure out how to use the regular one I have.

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Well you are in the majority Paul.....
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You left the multi phone owners out of the mix.
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A phone that can call and take pictures work for me, even if it is like 6 years old
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Based on the responses to date, it appears that most of the people who responded to this poll are under 45.

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I follow this stuff, but shocked to see blackberry crash and burn so quickly. It is really a two horse race in the smartphone market right now. Wonder if Windows can step in so late to the game and make something happen. Or will they be just making another Zune?
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I have just a regular cell phone but its no ordinary cell its the Casio Rock! Best phone for fishing you can find. Has a thermometer, nice camera, and its waterproof! Takes nice underwater pics too! Cellphones and fishing don't mix unless they are waterproof!
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That's really nice to see.
I hardly recognized yinz guys with suits on though!
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