Map of Pa/ Landowners



Jan 16, 2007
Sorry if this is the wrong forum topic, feel free to move.
Awhile ago there was a link posted that showed landownership by name here in Pa. It was in reference to private land bordering some nice trout water. I was wondering if anybody remembers that link or can direct me to it.
Thanks in advance
You can look up a counties tax map on the web and zoom in to a particular waterbody/property parcel and get landownership info.
Each county has its own tax mapping or Gis system in which you can look up land parcels. Not every county discloses landowner names. For instance my home county, Lancaster county, does not provide landowner names only parcel size and purchase values while neighboring York county is full disclosure. You can just google the county your looking for and "GIS" after the county name and that should get you what your looking for.
Keep in mind that not all counties are online, and some that are the GIS is behind a paywall. You may have to go to the courthouse and look it up there, but that would cost you some money as well.
PAgeologist wrote:
Keep in mind that not all counties are online, and some that are the GIS is behind a paywall. You may have to go to the courthouse and look it up there, but that would cost you some money as well.

It would cost you more time, but if there is also a fee, it would be a relatively new thing.
You are right. Probably not to look it up but if you wanted printouts of the info (property card, tax map, or deed) that will cost you.
If you know the address you can do a Google search and can find the name of the property owner. Tax records are usually public documents. There ain't nothin' private no more.
While the tax based mapping system is what you referenced, there's also the ONYX Hunt gps maps.

Note they cost money and make several versions, some which just give you public land. The premium version gives you parcel boundaries and landowner names. They also make versions for handheld GPS and have a phone app.

The GPS version with private landowner names is around $100 I think, per state. Can get at Cabelas and comes on a physical micro SD chip to put in your device. Then you have it forever, but doesn't update, so if properties change hands and so forth it doesn't know, unless you buy a new chip.

The app is called Onx Hunt. Actually more of a membership. If you download the app you get a free 7 day trial I think. At least you could check it out and see if it's for you before spending the money. After that the app shuts down and it's a yearly fee to activate again. I think around $30/yr for one state and $100/yr for all 50. Paying the money buys you a "membership" which reactivates the app for a year and gives you a password to use their online version on a computer browser.

It's useful! Yes, going to county websites or courthouses gives you the same info, often for free. But it's nice to just put it all in a map, Google maps style. No worries about county boundaries and all that fun.